Search Results for author: Zhenglai Li

Found 5 papers, 5 papers with code

MS-Former: Memory-Supported Transformer for Weakly Supervised Change Detection with Patch-Level Annotations

1 code implementation16 Nov 2023 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xinwang Liu, Changdong Li, Xianju Li, Wei zhang

How to capture the semantic variations associated with the changed and unchanged regions from the patch-level annotations to obtain promising change results is the critical challenge for the weakly supervised change detection task.

Change Detection

Towards Accurate and Reliable Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images via Knowledge Review and Online Uncertainty Estimation

2 code implementations31 May 2023 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xianju Li, Weiying Xie, Kun Sun, Xinzhong Zhu

Specifically, an online uncertainty estimation branch is constructed to model the pixel-wise uncertainty, which is supervised by the difference between predicted change maps and corresponding ground truth during the training process.

Change Detection Management

High-order Correlation Preserved Incomplete Multi-view Subspace Clustering

3 code implementations IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xiao Zheng, Xinwang Liu, Senior Member, Wei zhang, Member, IEEE, and En Zhu

Specifically, multiple affinity matrices constructed from the incomplete multi-view data are treated as a thirdorder low rank tensor with a tensor factorization regularization which preserves the high-order view correlation and sample correlation.

Clustering Incomplete multi-view clustering +2

Tensor-Based Multi-View Block-Diagonal Structure Diffusion for Clustering Incomplete Multi-View Data

1 code implementation IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2021 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xinwang Liu, Xiao Zheng, Wei zhang, En Zhu

In this paper, we propose a novel incomplete multi-view clustering method, in which a tensor nuclear norm regularizer elegantly diffuses the information of multi-view block-diagonal structure across different views.

Clustering Incomplete multi-view clustering

Consensus Graph Learning for Multi-view Clustering

1 code implementation IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2021 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xinwang Liu, Xiao Zheng, Guanghui Yue, Wei zhang

Furthermore, we unify the spectral embedding and low rank tensor learning into a unified optimization framework to determine the spectral embedding matrices and tensor representation jointly.

Clustering Graph Learning

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