Search Results for author: Zhengren Wang

Found 9 papers, 5 papers with code

Document Parsing Unveiled: Techniques, Challenges, and Prospects for Structured Information Extraction

no code implementations28 Oct 2024 Qintong Zhang, Victor Shea-Jay Huang, Bin Wang, Junyuan Zhang, Zhengren Wang, Hao Liang, Shawn Wang, Matthieu Lin, Conghui He, Wentao Zhang

Document parsing is essential for converting unstructured and semi-structured documents-such as contracts, academic papers, and invoices-into structured, machine-readable data.

Data Integration Knowledge Base Construction

3D Representation Methods: A Survey

no code implementations9 Oct 2024 Zhengren Wang

The field of 3D representation has experienced significant advancements, driven by the increasing demand for high-fidelity 3D models in various applications such as computer graphics, virtual reality, and autonomous systems.


Efficient Top-k s-Biplexes Search over Large Bipartite Graphs

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Zhenxiang Xu, Yiping Liu, Yi Zhou, Yimin Hao, Zhengren Wang

We formulate the problem as the {\em top-$k$ $s$-biplex search (TBS) problem}, which aims to find the top-$k$ maximal $s$-biplexes with the most vertices, where $k$ is an input parameter.

A Faster Branching Algorithm for the Maximum $k$-Defective Clique Problem

1 code implementation23 Jul 2024 Chunyu Luo, Yi Zhou, Zhengren Wang, Mingyu Xiao

In the paper, we propose a new branching algorithm that takes advantage of the structural properties of the $k$-defective clique and uses the efficient maximum clique algorithm as a subroutine.

KeyVideoLLM: Towards Large-scale Video Keyframe Selection

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Hao Liang, Jiapeng Li, Tianyi Bai, Xijie Huang, Linzhuang Sun, Zhengren Wang, Conghui He, Bin Cui, Chong Chen, Wentao Zhang

Recently, with the rise of web videos, managing and understanding large-scale video datasets has become increasingly important.

Data Compression Management +3

Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey

3 code implementations29 Feb 2024 Penghao Zhao, Hailin Zhang, Qinhan Yu, Zhengren Wang, Yunteng Geng, Fangcheng Fu, Ling Yang, Wentao Zhang, Jie Jiang, Bin Cui

We first classify RAG foundations according to how the retriever augments the generator, distilling the fundamental abstractions of the augmentation methodologies for various retrievers and generators.

Information Retrieval multimodal generation +3

Fast Maximum $k$-Plex Algorithms Parameterized by Small Degeneracy Gaps

1 code implementation23 Jun 2023 Zhengren Wang, Yi Zhou, Chunyu Luo, Mingyu Xiao, Jin-Kao Hao

We define a novel parameter of the input instance, $g_k(G)$, the gap between the degeneracy bound and the size of the maximum $k$-plex in the given graph, and present an exact algorithm parameterized by this $g_k(G)$, which has a worst-case running time polynomial in the size of the input graph and exponential in $g_k(G)$.

Community Detection Graph Mining

Listing Maximal k-Plexes in Large Real-World Graphs

1 code implementation17 Feb 2022 Zhengren Wang, Yi Zhou, Mingyu Xiao, Bakhadyr Khoussainov

Our first contribution is algorithm ListPlex that lists all maximal $k$-plexes in $O^*(\gamma^D)$ time for each constant $k$, where $\gamma$ is a value related to $k$ but strictly smaller than 2, and $D$ is the degeneracy of the graph that is far less than the vertex number $n$ in real-word graphs.

Community Detection

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