Search Results for author: Zhenheng Tang

Found 22 papers, 10 papers with code

FuseFL: One-Shot Federated Learning through the Lens of Causality with Progressive Model Fusion

1 code implementation27 Oct 2024 Zhenheng Tang, Yonggang Zhang, Peijie Dong, Yiu-ming Cheung, Amelie Chi Zhou, Bo Han, Xiaowen Chu

In this work, we provide a causal view to find that this performance drop of OFL methods comes from the isolation problem, which means that local isolatedly trained models in OFL may easily fit to spurious correlations due to the data heterogeneity.

Federated Learning

Should We Really Edit Language Models? On the Evaluation of Edited Language Models

1 code implementation24 Oct 2024 Qi Li, Xiang Liu, Zhenheng Tang, Peijie Dong, Zeyu Li, Xinglin Pan, Xiaowen Chu

Our findings indicate that current editing methods are only suitable for small-scale knowledge updates within language models, which motivates further research on more practical and reliable editing methods.

General Knowledge Model Editing

ExpertFlow: Optimized Expert Activation and Token Allocation for Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Inference

no code implementations23 Oct 2024 Xin He, Shunkang Zhang, Yuxin Wang, Haiyan Yin, Zihao Zeng, Shaohuai Shi, Zhenheng Tang, Xiaowen Chu, Ivor Tsang, Ong Yew Soon

To tackle these inference-specific challenges, we introduce ExpertFlow, a comprehensive system specifically designed to enhance inference efficiency by accommodating flexible routing and enabling efficient expert scheduling between CPU and GPU.

Computational Efficiency Scheduling

FusionLLM: A Decentralized LLM Training System on Geo-distributed GPUs with Adaptive Compression

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Zhenheng Tang, Xueze Kang, Yiming Yin, Xinglin Pan, Yuxin Wang, Xin He, Qiang Wang, Rongfei Zeng, Kaiyong Zhao, Shaohuai Shi, Amelie Chi Zhou, Bo Li, Bingsheng He, Xiaowen Chu

To alleviate hardware scarcity in training large deep neural networks (DNNs), particularly large language models (LLMs), we present FusionLLM, a decentralized training system designed and implemented for training DNNs using geo-distributed GPUs across different computing clusters or individual devices.


LPZero: Language Model Zero-cost Proxy Search from Zero

no code implementations7 Oct 2024 Peijie Dong, Lujun Li, Xiang Liu, Zhenheng Tang, Xuebo Liu, Qiang Wang, Xiaowen Chu

Specifically, we model the ZC proxy as a symbolic equation and incorporate a unified proxy search space that encompasses existing ZC proxies, which are composed of a predefined set of mathematical symbols.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Bandwidth-Aware and Overlap-Weighted Compression for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Zichen Tang, Junlin Huang, Rudan Yan, Yuxin Wang, Zhenheng Tang, Shaohuai Shi, Amelie Chi Zhou, Xiaowen Chu

Current data compression methods, such as sparsification in Federated Averaging (FedAvg), effectively enhance the communication efficiency of Federated Learning (FL).

Data Compression Federated Learning

Pruner-Zero: Evolving Symbolic Pruning Metric from scratch for Large Language Models

1 code implementation5 Jun 2024 Peijie Dong, Lujun Li, Zhenheng Tang, Xiang Liu, Xinglin Pan, Qiang Wang, Xiaowen Chu

In particular, we devise an elaborate search space encompassing the existing pruning metrics to discover the potential symbolic pruning metric.

Diversity Language Modeling +1

VMRNN: Integrating Vision Mamba and LSTM for Efficient and Accurate Spatiotemporal Forecasting

1 code implementation25 Mar 2024 Yujin Tang, Peijie Dong, Zhenheng Tang, Xiaowen Chu, Junwei Liang

Combining CNNs or ViTs, with RNNs for spatiotemporal forecasting, has yielded unparalleled results in predicting temporal and spatial dynamics.


FedImpro: Measuring and Improving Client Update in Federated Learning

no code implementations10 Feb 2024 Zhenheng Tang, Yonggang Zhang, Shaohuai Shi, Xinmei Tian, Tongliang Liu, Bo Han, Xiaowen Chu

First, we analyze the generalization contribution of local training and conclude that this generalization contribution is bounded by the conditional Wasserstein distance between the data distribution of different clients.

Federated Learning

FusionAI: Decentralized Training and Deploying LLMs with Massive Consumer-Level GPUs

no code implementations3 Sep 2023 Zhenheng Tang, Yuxin Wang, Xin He, Longteng Zhang, Xinglin Pan, Qiang Wang, Rongfei Zeng, Kaiyong Zhao, Shaohuai Shi, Bingsheng He, Xiaowen Chu

The rapid growth of memory and computation requirements of large language models (LLMs) has outpaced the development of hardware, hindering people who lack large-scale high-end GPUs from training or deploying LLMs.


FedML Parrot: A Scalable Federated Learning System via Heterogeneity-aware Scheduling on Sequential and Hierarchical Training

1 code implementation3 Mar 2023 Zhenheng Tang, Xiaowen Chu, Ryan Yide Ran, Sunwoo Lee, Shaohuai Shi, Yonggang Zhang, Yuxin Wang, Alex Qiaozhong Liang, Salman Avestimehr, Chaoyang He

It improves the training efficiency, remarkably relaxes the requirements on the hardware, and supports efficient large-scale FL experiments with stateful clients by: (1) sequential training clients on devices; (2) decomposing original aggregation into local and global aggregation on devices and server respectively; (3) scheduling tasks to mitigate straggler problems and enhance computing utility; (4) distributed client state manager to support various FL algorithms.

Federated Learning Scheduling

NAS-LID: Efficient Neural Architecture Search with Local Intrinsic Dimension

1 code implementation23 Nov 2022 Xin He, Jiangchao Yao, Yuxin Wang, Zhenheng Tang, Ka Chu Cheung, Simon See, Bo Han, Xiaowen Chu

One-shot neural architecture search (NAS) substantially improves the search efficiency by training one supernet to estimate the performance of every possible child architecture (i. e., subnet).

Neural Architecture Search

Virtual Homogeneity Learning: Defending against Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning

1 code implementation6 Jun 2022 Zhenheng Tang, Yonggang Zhang, Shaohuai Shi, Xin He, Bo Han, Xiaowen Chu

In federated learning (FL), model performance typically suffers from client drift induced by data heterogeneity, and mainstream works focus on correcting client drift.

Federated Learning

FedCV: A Federated Learning Framework for Diverse Computer Vision Tasks

1 code implementation22 Nov 2021 Chaoyang He, Alay Dilipbhai Shah, Zhenheng Tang, Di Fan1Adarshan Naiynar Sivashunmugam, Keerti Bhogaraju, Mita Shimpi, Li Shen, Xiaowen Chu, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi, Salman Avestimehr

To bridge the gap and facilitate the development of FL for computer vision tasks, in this work, we propose a federated learning library and benchmarking framework, named FedCV, to evaluate FL on the three most representative computer vision tasks: image classification, image segmentation, and object detection.

Benchmarking Federated Learning +5

A Quantitative Survey of Communication Optimizations in Distributed Deep Learning

1 code implementation27 May 2020 Shaohuai Shi, Zhenheng Tang, Xiaowen Chu, Chengjian Liu, Wei Wang, Bo Li

In this article, we present a quantitative survey of communication optimization techniques for data parallel distributed DL.

Deep Learning Scheduling

Communication-Efficient Distributed Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations10 Mar 2020 Zhenheng Tang, Shaohuai Shi, Wei Wang, Bo Li, Xiaowen Chu

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the communication-efficient distributed training algorithms, focusing on both system-level and algorithmic-level optimizations.

Deep Learning Survey

Communication-Efficient Decentralized Learning with Sparsification and Adaptive Peer Selection

no code implementations22 Feb 2020 Zhenheng Tang, Shaohuai Shi, Xiaowen Chu

2) Each worker only needs to communicate with a single peer at each communication round with a highly compressed model, which can significantly reduce the communication traffic on the worker.

Federated Learning

Layer-wise Adaptive Gradient Sparsification for Distributed Deep Learning with Convergence Guarantees

no code implementations20 Nov 2019 Shaohuai Shi, Zhenheng Tang, Qiang Wang, Kaiyong Zhao, Xiaowen Chu

To reduce the long training time of large deep neural network (DNN) models, distributed synchronous stochastic gradient descent (S-SGD) is commonly used on a cluster of workers.

Distributed Optimization

Benchmarking the Performance and Energy Efficiency of AI Accelerators for AI Training

no code implementations15 Sep 2019 Yuxin Wang, Qiang Wang, Shaohuai Shi, Xin He, Zhenheng Tang, Kaiyong Zhao, Xiaowen Chu

Different from the existing end-to-end benchmarks which only present the training time, We try to investigate the impact of hardware, vendor's software library, and deep learning framework on the performance and energy consumption of AI training.

Benchmarking Deep Learning

A Distributed Synchronous SGD Algorithm with Global Top-$k$ Sparsification for Low Bandwidth Networks

1 code implementation14 Jan 2019 Shaohuai Shi, Qiang Wang, Kaiyong Zhao, Zhenheng Tang, Yuxin Wang, Xiang Huang, Xiaowen Chu

Current methods that use AllGather to accumulate the sparse gradients have a communication complexity of $O(kP)$, where $P$ is the number of workers, which is inefficient on low bandwidth networks with a large number of workers.

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