Search Results for author: Zhensong Zhang

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

SCENIC: Scene-aware Semantic Navigation with Instruction-guided Control

no code implementations20 Dec 2024 Xiaohan Zhang, Sebastian Starke, Vladimir Guzov, Zhensong Zhang, Eduardo Pérez Pellitero, Gerard Pons-Moll

To address these limitations, we introduce SCENIC, a diffusion model designed to generate human motion that adapts to dynamic terrains within virtual scenes while enabling semantic control through natural language.

Motion Synthesis

SCRREAM : SCan, Register, REnder And Map:A Framework for Annotating Accurate and Dense 3D Indoor Scenes with a Benchmark

1 code implementation30 Oct 2024 HyunJun Jung, Weihang Li, Shun-Cheng Wu, William Bittner, Nikolas Brasch, Jifei Song, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Zhensong Zhang, Arthur Moreau, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam

However, using these datasets to evaluate dense geometry tasks, such as depth rendering, can be problematic as the meshes of the dataset are often incomplete and may produce wrong ground truth to evaluate the details.

6D Pose Estimation

Co-Speech Gesture Video Generation via Motion-Decoupled Diffusion Model

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Xu He, Qiaochu Huang, Zhensong Zhang, Zhiwei Lin, Zhiyong Wu, Sicheng Yang, Minglei Li, Zhiyi Chen, Songcen Xu, Xiaofei Wu

While previous works mostly generate structural human skeletons, resulting in the omission of appearance information, we focus on the direct generation of audio-driven co-speech gesture videos in this work.

Video Generation

Low-Res Leads the Way: Improving Generalization for Super-Resolution by Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Haoyu Chen, Wenbo Li, Jinjin Gu, Jingjing Ren, Haoze Sun, Xueyi Zou, Zhensong Zhang, Youliang Yan, Lei Zhu

Leveraging unseen LR images for self-supervised learning guides the model to adapt its modeling space to the target domain, facilitating fine-tuning of SR models without requiring paired high-resolution (HR) images.

Image Super-Resolution Self-Supervised Learning

The DiffuseStyleGesture+ entry to the GENEA Challenge 2023

1 code implementation26 Aug 2023 Sicheng Yang, Haiwei Xue, Zhensong Zhang, Minglei Li, Zhiyong Wu, Xiaofei Wu, Songcen Xu, Zonghong Dai

In this paper, we introduce the DiffuseStyleGesture+, our solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behavior for Embodied Agents (GENEA) Challenge 2023, which aims to foster the development of realistic, automated systems for generating conversational gestures.

QPGesture: Quantization-Based and Phase-Guided Motion Matching for Natural Speech-Driven Gesture Generation

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Sicheng Yang, Zhiyong Wu, Minglei Li, Zhensong Zhang, Lei Hao, Weihong Bao, Haolin Zhuang

Levenshtein distance based on audio quantization as a similarity metric of corresponding speech of gestures helps match more appropriate gestures with speech, and solves the alignment problem of speech and gestures well.

Gesture Generation Quantization

CLIFF: Carrying Location Information in Full Frames into Human Pose and Shape Estimation

6 code implementations1 Aug 2022 Zhihao LI, Jianzhuang Liu, Zhensong Zhang, Songcen Xu, Youliang Yan

Top-down methods dominate the field of 3D human pose and shape estimation, because they are decoupled from human detection and allow researchers to focus on the core problem.

3D human pose and shape estimation Human Detection +2

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