Search Results for author: Zhepei Wang

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

On Class Separability Pitfalls In Audio-Text Contrastive Zero-Shot Learning

no code implementations23 Aug 2024 Tiago Tavares, Fabio Ayres, Zhepei Wang, Paris Smaragdis

Recent advances in audio-text cross-modal contrastive learning have shown its potential towards zero-shot learning.

Contrastive Learning Zero-Shot Learning

Audio Editing with Non-Rigid Text Prompts

no code implementations19 Oct 2023 Francesco Paissan, Luca Della Libera, Zhepei Wang, Mirco Ravanelli, Paris Smaragdis, Cem Subakan

We show that the proposed editing pipeline is able to create audio edits that remain faithful to the input audio.

Audio Generation Style Transfer

Unsupervised Improvement of Audio-Text Cross-Modal Representations

1 code implementation3 May 2023 Zhepei Wang, Cem Subakan, Krishna Subramani, Junkai Wu, Tiago Tavares, Fabio Ayres, Paris Smaragdis

In this paper, we study unsupervised approaches to improve the learning framework of such representations with unpaired text and audio.

Acoustic Scene Classification Classification +2

A Framework for Unified Real-time Personalized and Non-Personalized Speech Enhancement

no code implementations23 Feb 2023 Zhepei Wang, Ritwik Giri, Devansh Shah, Jean-Marc Valin, Michael M. Goodwin, Paris Smaragdis

In this study, we present an approach to train a single speech enhancement network that can perform both personalized and non-personalized speech enhancement.

Multi-Task Learning Speech Enhancement

Separate but Together: Unsupervised Federated Learning for Speech Enhancement from Non-IID Data

1 code implementation11 May 2021 Efthymios Tzinis, Jonah Casebeer, Zhepei Wang, Paris Smaragdis

We propose FEDENHANCE, an unsupervised federated learning (FL) approach for speech enhancement and separation with non-IID distributed data across multiple clients.

Federated Learning Speech Enhancement +1

Compute and memory efficient universal sound source separation

3 code implementations3 Mar 2021 Efthymios Tzinis, Zhepei Wang, Xilin Jiang, Paris Smaragdis

Recent progress in audio source separation lead by deep learning has enabled many neural network models to provide robust solutions to this fundamental estimation problem.

Audio Source Separation Efficient Neural Network +1

Semi-Supervised Singing Voice Separation with Noisy Self-Training

no code implementations16 Feb 2021 Zhepei Wang, Ritwik Giri, Umut Isik, Jean-Marc Valin, Arvindh Krishnaswamy

Given a limited set of labeled data, we present a method to leverage a large volume of unlabeled data to improve the model's performance.

Data Augmentation

EGO-Planner: An ESDF-free Gradient-based Local Planner for Quadrotors

3 code implementations20 Aug 2020 Xin Zhou, Zhepei Wang, Chao Xu, Fei Gao

Gradient-based planners are widely used for quadrotor local planning, in which a Euclidean Signed Distance Field (ESDF) is crucial for evaluating gradient magnitude and direction.


Two-Step Sound Source Separation: Training on Learned Latent Targets

2 code implementations22 Oct 2019 Efthymios Tzinis, Shrikant Venkataramani, Zhepei Wang, Cem Subakan, Paris Smaragdis

In the first step we learn a transform (and it's inverse) to a latent space where masking-based separation performance using oracles is optimal.

Speech Separation Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Continual Learning of New Sound Classes using Generative Replay

no code implementations3 Jun 2019 Zhepei Wang, Cem Subakan, Efthymios Tzinis, Paris Smaragdis, Laurent Charlin

We show that by incrementally refining a classifier with generative replay a generator that is 4% of the size of all previous training data matches the performance of refining the classifier keeping 20% of all previous training data.

Continual Learning Sound Classification

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