Search Results for author: Zhi Gong

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Super(ficial)-alignment: Strong Models May Deceive Weak Models in Weak-to-Strong Generalization

1 code implementation17 Jun 2024 Wenkai Yang, Shiqi Shen, Guangyao Shen, Zhi Gong, Yankai Lin

However, we are concerned that behind such a promising phenomenon, whether there exists an issue of weak-to-strong deception, where strong models may deceive weak models by exhibiting well-aligned in areas known to weak models but producing misaligned behaviors in cases weak models do not know.

SGOOD: Substructure-enhanced Graph-Level Out-of-Distribution Detection

1 code implementation16 Oct 2023 Zhihao Ding, Jieming Shi, Shiqi Shen, Xuequn Shang, Jiannong Cao, Zhipeng Wang, Zhi Gong

We find that substructure differences commonly exist between ID and OOD graphs, and design SGOOD with a series of techniques to encode task-agnostic substructures for effective OOD detection.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Representation Learning

A Survey of Deep Visual Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Wenjian Wang, Lijuan Duan, Yuxi Wang, Junsong Fan, Zhi Gong, Zhaoxiang Zhang

Research into Cross-Domain Few-Shot (CDFS) has emerged to address this issue, forming a more challenging and realistic setting.

cross-domain few-shot learning Transfer Learning

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