Search Results for author: Zhi Lin

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

A Causal Framework to Unify Common Domain Generalization Approaches

no code implementations13 Jul 2023 Nevin L. Zhang, Kaican Li, Han Gao, Weiyan Xie, Zhi Lin, Zhenguo Li, Luning Wang, Yongxiang Huang

Domain generalization (DG) is about learning models that generalize well to new domains that are related to, but different from, the training domain(s).

Domain Generalization

Consistency Regularization for Domain Generalization with Logit Attribution Matching

1 code implementation13 May 2023 Han Gao, Kaican Li, Weiyan Xie, Zhi Lin, Yongxiang Huang, Luning Wang, Caleb Chen Cao, Nevin L. Zhang

In this paper, we consider a third, lesser-known setting where a training domain is endowed with a collection of pairs of examples that share the same semantic information.

Data Augmentation Domain Generalization

A New Dataset and A Baseline Model for Breast Lesion Detection in Ultrasound Videos

2 code implementations1 Jul 2022 Zhi Lin, Junhao Lin, Lei Zhu, Huazhu Fu, Jing Qin, Liansheng Wang

Moreover, we learn video-level features to classify the breast lesions of the original video as benign or malignant lesions to further enhance the final breast lesion detection performance in ultrasound videos.

Lesion Classification Lesion Detection

Example Perplexity

1 code implementation16 Mar 2022 Nevin L. Zhang, Weiyan Xie, Zhi Lin, Guanfang Dong, Xiao-Hui Li, Caleb Chen Cao, Yunpeng Wang

Some examples are easier for humans to classify than others.

Deep Adaptive Network: An Efficient Deep Neural Network with Sparse Binary Connections

no code implementations21 Apr 2016 Xichuan Zhou, Shengli Li, Kai Qin, Kunping Li, Fang Tang, Shengdong Hu, Shujun Liu, Zhi Lin

Deep neural networks are state-of-the-art models for understanding the content of images, video and raw input data.

General Classification

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