Search Results for author: Zhi-Li Zhang

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Robust Multiple Description Neural Video Codec with Masked Transformer for Dynamic and Noisy Networks

no code implementations10 Dec 2024 Xinyue Hu, Wei Ye, Jiaxiang Tang, Eman Ramadan, Zhi-Li Zhang

We propose a novel MDC video codec, NeuralMDC, demonstrating how bidirectional transformers trained for masked token prediction can vastly simplify the design of MDC video codec.

motion prediction

CLARA: A Constrained Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Allocation Framework for Network Slicing

no code implementations16 Nov 2021 Yongshuai Liu, Jiaxin Ding, Zhi-Li Zhang, Xin Liu

Network slicing is proposed as a promising solution for resource utilization in 5G and future networks to address this dire need.

Management reinforcement-learning +1

Stabilized Likelihood-based Imitation Learning via Denoising Continuous Normalizing Flow

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Xin Zhang, Yanhua Li, Ziming Zhang, Christopher Brinton, Zhenming Liu, Zhi-Li Zhang, Hui Lu, Zhihong Tian

State-of-the-art imitation learning (IL) approaches, e. g, GAIL, apply adversarial training to minimize the discrepancy between expert and learner behaviors, which is prone to unstable training and mode collapse.

Denoising Imitation Learning

f-GAIL: Learning f-Divergence for Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Xin Zhang, Yanhua Li, Ziming Zhang, Zhi-Li Zhang

This naturally gives rise to the following question: Given a set of expert demonstrations, which divergence can recover the expert policy more accurately with higher data efficiency?

Imitation Learning

$f$-GAIL: Learning $f$-Divergence for Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

1 code implementation2 Oct 2020 Xin Zhang, Yanhua Li, Ziming Zhang, Zhi-Li Zhang

This naturally gives rise to the following question: Given a set of expert demonstrations, which divergence can recover the expert policy more accurately with higher data efficiency?

Imitation Learning

Deceptive Kernel Function on Observations of Discrete POMDP

no code implementations12 Aug 2020 Zhi-Li Zhang, Quanyan Zhu

This paper studies the deception applied on agent in a partially observable Markov decision process.

Modeling Personalized Item Frequency Information for Next-basket Recommendation

2 code implementations31 May 2020 Haoji Hu, Xiangnan He, Jinyang Gao, Zhi-Li Zhang

NBR is in general more complex than the widely studied sequential (session-based) recommendation which recommends the next item based on a sequence of items.

Next-basket recommendation Session-Based Recommendations

Physics-Guided Deep Neural Networks for Power Flow Analysis

no code implementations31 Jan 2020 Xinyue Hu, Haoji Hu, Saurabh Verma, Zhi-Li Zhang

Nevertheless, prior data-driven approaches suffer from poor performance and generalizability, due to overly simplified assumptions of the PF problem or ignorance of physical laws governing power systems.

Learning Universal Graph Neural Network Embeddings With Aid Of Transfer Learning

1 code implementation22 Sep 2019 Saurabh Verma, Zhi-Li Zhang

By learning task-independent graph embeddings across diverse datasets, DUGNN also reaps the benefits of transfer learning.

Ranked #3 on Graph Classification on COLLAB (using extra training data)

Decoder Graph Classification +4

Stability and Generalization of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations3 May 2019 Saurabh Verma, Zhi-Li Zhang

In this paper, we take a first step towards developing a deeper theoretical understanding of GCNN models by analyzing the stability of single-layer GCNN models and deriving their generalization guarantees in a semi-supervised graph learning setting.

Generalization Bounds Graph Learning

Graph Capsule Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation21 May 2018 Saurabh Verma, Zhi-Li Zhang

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNNs) are the most recent exciting advancement in deep learning field and their applications are quickly spreading in multi-cross-domains including bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, social networks, natural language processing and computer vision.

Deep Learning General Classification +1

Hunt For The Unique, Stable, Sparse And Fast Feature Learning On Graphs

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Saurabh Verma, Zhi-Li Zhang

For the purpose of learning on graphs, we hunt for a graph feature representation that exhibit certain uniqueness, stability and sparsity properties while also being amenable to fast computation.

General Classification Graph Classification

Influence Diffusion Dynamics and Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Friend and Foe Relationships

no code implementations21 Nov 2011 Yanhua Li, Wei Chen, Yajun Wang, Zhi-Li Zhang

Influence diffusion and influence maximization in large-scale online social networks (OSNs) have been extensively studied, because of their impacts on enabling effective online viral marketing.

Social and Information Networks Discrete Mathematics Physics and Society E.1; H.3.3

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