Search Results for author: Zhiang Wu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Leveraging Multi-level Dependency of Relational Sequences for Social Spammer Detection

no code implementations14 Sep 2020 Jun Yin, Qian Li, Shaowu Liu, Zhiang Wu, Guandong Xu

Our study investigates the spammer detection problem in the context of multi-relation social networks, and makes an attempt to fully exploit the sequences of heterogeneous relations for enhancing the detection accuracy.


Location-Centered House Price Prediction: A Multi-Task Learning Approach

no code implementations7 Jan 2019 Guangliang Gao, Zhifeng Bao, Jie Cao, A. K. Qin, Timos Sellis, Fellow, IEEE, Zhiang Wu

Regarding the choice of prediction model, we observe that a variety of approaches either consider the entire house data for modeling, or split the entire data and model each partition independently.

Multi-Task Learning Prediction

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