Search Results for author: Zhichao Han

Found 15 papers, 7 papers with code

Learning Physics-Consistent Material Behavior Without Prior Knowledge

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Zhichao Han, Mohit Pundir, Olga Fink, David S. Kammer

We demonstrate that it is robust to a significant level of noise and that it converges to the ground truth with increasing data resolution.

Relation Stress-Strain Relation

BenchTemp: A General Benchmark for Evaluating Temporal Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation31 Aug 2023 Qiang Huang, Jiawei Jiang, Xi Susie Rao, Ce Zhang, Zhichao Han, Zitao Zhang, Xin Wang, Yongjun He, Quanqing Xu, Yang Zhao, Chuang Hu, Shuo Shang, Bo Du

To handle graphs in which features or connectivities are evolving over time, a series of temporal graph neural networks (TGNNs) have been proposed.

Diversity Link Prediction +1

Collective Relational Inference for learning heterogeneous interactions

no code implementations30 Apr 2023 Zhichao Han, Olga Fink, David S. Kammer

First, it infers the interaction types of different edges collectively by explicitly encoding the correlation among incoming interactions with a joint distribution, and second, it allows handling systems with variable topological structure over time.

Graph structure learning

BRIGHT -- Graph Neural Networks in Real-Time Fraud Detection

no code implementations25 May 2022 Mingxuan Lu, Zhichao Han, Susie Xi Rao, Zitao Zhang, Yang Zhao, Yinan Shan, Ramesh Raghunathan, Ce Zhang, Jiawei Jiang

Apart from rule-based and machine learning filters that are already deployed in production, we want to enable efficient real-time inference with graph neural networks (GNNs), which is useful to catch multihop risk propagation in a transaction graph.

Entity Embeddings Fraud Detection

Modelling graph dynamics in fraud detection with "Attention"

1 code implementation22 Apr 2022 Susie Xi Rao, Clémence Lanfranchi, Shuai Zhang, Zhichao Han, Zitao Zhang, Wei Min, Mo Cheng, Yinan Shan, Yang Zhao, Ce Zhang

At online retail platforms, detecting fraudulent accounts and transactions is crucial to improve customer experience, minimize loss, and avoid unauthorized transactions.

Fraud Detection Graph Neural Network

Learning Physics-Consistent Particle Interactions

no code implementations1 Feb 2022 Zhichao Han, David S. Kammer, Olga Fink

Access to the governing particle interaction law is fundamental for a complete understanding of such systems.

Suspicious Massive Registration Detection via Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations20 Dec 2020 Susie Xi Rao, Shuai Zhang, Zhichao Han, Zitao Zhang, Wei Min, Mo Cheng, Yinan Shan, Yang Zhao, Ce Zhang

Massive account registration has raised concerns on risk management in e-commerce companies, especially when registration increases rapidly within a short time frame.

Graph Neural Network Management

xFraud: Explainable Fraud Transaction Detection

1 code implementation24 Nov 2020 Susie Xi Rao, Shuai Zhang, Zhichao Han, Zitao Zhang, Wei Min, Zhiyao Chen, Yinan Shan, Yang Zhao, Ce Zhang

At online retail platforms, it is crucial to actively detect the risks of transactions to improve customer experience and minimize financial loss.

Explainable Models Fraud Detection +2

Adversarial Attack on Community Detection by Hiding Individuals

1 code implementation22 Jan 2020 Jia Li, Honglei Zhang, Zhichao Han, Yu Rong, Hong Cheng, Junzhou Huang

It has been demonstrated that adversarial graphs, i. e., graphs with imperceptible perturbations added, can cause deep graph models to fail on node/graph classification tasks.

Adversarial Attack Community Detection +1

DeGNN: Characterizing and Improving Graph Neural Networks with Graph Decomposition

no code implementations10 Oct 2019 Xupeng Miao, Nezihe Merve Gürel, Wentao Zhang, Zhichao Han, Bo Li, Wei Min, Xi Rao, Hansheng Ren, Yinan Shan, Yingxia Shao, Yujie Wang, Fan Wu, Hui Xue, Yaming Yang, Zitao Zhang, Yang Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Yujing Wang, Bin Cui, Ce Zhang

Despite the wide application of Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), one major limitation is that it does not benefit from the increasing depth and suffers from the oversmoothing problem.

Graph Neural Network

Word embedding re-examined: is the symmetrical factorization optimal?

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Zhichao Han, Jia Li, Xu Li, Hong Cheng

Such linear transformation will result in these good properties.

Predicting Path Failure In Time-Evolving Graphs

2 code implementations10 May 2019 Jia Li, Zhichao Han, Hong Cheng, Jiao Su, Pengyun Wang, Jianfeng Zhang, Lujia Pan

Through experiments on a real-world telecommunication network and a traffic network in California, we demonstrate the superiority of LRGCN to other competing methods in path failure prediction, and prove the effectiveness of SAPE on path representation.

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