Search Results for author: Zhihao Wu

Found 20 papers, 8 papers with code

OCMDP: Observation-Constrained Markov Decision Process

no code implementations11 Nov 2024 Taiyi Wang, Jianheng Liu, Bryan Lee, Zhihao Wu, Yu Wu

In many practical applications, decision-making processes must balance the costs of acquiring information with the benefits it provides.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning

SPA-Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for SmartPhone Agent Evaluation

1 code implementation19 Oct 2024 Jingxuan Chen, Derek Yuen, Bin Xie, Yuhao Yang, Gongwei Chen, Zhihao Wu, Li Yixing, Xurui Zhou, Weiwen Liu, Shuai Wang, Kaiwen Zhou, Rui Shao, Liqiang Nie, Yasheng Wang, Jianye Hao, Jun Wang, Kun Shao

Smartphone agents are increasingly important for helping users control devices efficiently, with (Multimodal) Large Language Model (MLLM)-based approaches emerging as key contenders.

AI Agent Benchmarking +2

DistRL: An Asynchronous Distributed Reinforcement Learning Framework for On-Device Control Agents

no code implementations18 Oct 2024 Taiyi Wang, Zhihao Wu, Jianheng Liu, Jianye Hao, Jun Wang, Kun Shao

This paper introduces DistRL, a novel framework designed to enhance the efficiency of online RL fine-tuning for mobile device control agents.

Masked Two-channel Decoupling Framework for Incomplete Multi-view Weak Multi-label Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Chengliang Liu, Jie Wen, Yabo Liu, Chao Huang, Zhihao Wu, Xiaoling Luo, Yong Xu

Multi-view learning has become a popular research topic in recent years, but research on the cross-application of classic multi-label classification and multi-view learning is still in its early stages.

Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +2

ADEdgeDrop: Adversarial Edge Dropping for Robust Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Ylli Sadikaj, Claudia Plant, Hong-Ning Dai, Shiping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung, Wenzhong Guo

Employing an adversarial training framework, the edge predictor utilizes the line graph transformed from the original graph to estimate the edges to be dropped, which improves the interpretability of the edge-dropping method.

OpticalDR: A Deep Optical Imaging Model for Privacy-Protective Depression Recognition

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yuchen Pan, Junjun Jiang, Kui Jiang, Zhihao Wu, Keyuan Yu, Xianming Liu

Depression Recognition (DR) poses a considerable challenge, especially in the context of the growing concerns surrounding privacy.

Building Category Graphs Representation with Spatial and Temporal Attention for Visual Navigation

no code implementations6 Dec 2023 Xiaobo Hu, Youfang Lin, Hehe Fan, Shuo Wang, Zhihao Wu, Kai Lv

To this end, an agent needs to 1) learn a piece of certain knowledge about the relations of object categories in the world during training and 2) look for the target object based on the pre-learned object category relations and its moving trajectory in the current unseen environment.

Object Visual Navigation

Look Beneath the Surface: Exploiting Fundamental Symmetry for Sample-Efficient Offline RL

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Peng Cheng, Xianyuan Zhan, Zhihao Wu, Wenjia Zhang, Shoucheng Song, Han Wang, Youfang Lin, Li Jiang

Based on extensive experiments, we find TSRL achieves great performance on small benchmark datasets with as few as 1% of the original samples, which significantly outperforms the recent offline RL algorithms in terms of data efficiency and generalizability. Code is available at: https://github. com/pcheng2/TSRL

Data Augmentation Offline RL +1

AGNN: Alternating Graph-Regularized Neural Networks to Alleviate Over-Smoothing

no code implementations14 Apr 2023 Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Zhenghong Lin, Shiping Wang, Claudia Plant, Wenzhong Guo

In light of this, we propose an Alternating Graph-regularized Neural Network (AGNN) composed of Graph Convolutional Layer (GCL) and Graph Embedding Layer (GEL).

Graph Embedding

Attributed Multi-order Graph Convolutional Network for Heterogeneous Graphs

no code implementations13 Apr 2023 Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Luying Zhong, Claudia Plant, Shiping Wang, Wenzhong Guo

Heterogeneous graph neural networks aim to discover discriminative node embeddings and relations from multi-relational networks. One challenge of heterogeneous graph learning is the design of learnable meta-paths, which significantly influences the quality of learned embeddings. Thus, in this paper, we propose an Attributed Multi-Order Graph Convolutional Network (AMOGCN), which automatically studies meta-paths containing multi-hop neighbors from an adaptive aggregation of multi-order adjacency matrices.

Graph Learning

Information Recovery-Driven Deep Incomplete Multiview Clustering Network

2 code implementations2 Apr 2023 Chengliang Liu, Jie Wen, Zhihao Wu, Xiaoling Luo, Chao Huang, Yong Xu

Concretely, a two-stage autoencoder network with the self-attention structure is built to synchronously extract high-level semantic representations of multiple views and recover the missing data.

Clustering Graph Reconstruction +3

DICNet: Deep Instance-Level Contrastive Network for Double Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Classification

2 code implementations15 Mar 2023 Chengliang Liu, Jie Wen, Xiaoling Luo, Chao Huang, Zhihao Wu, Yong Xu

To deal with the double incomplete multi-view multi-label classification problem, we propose a deep instance-level contrastive network, namely DICNet.

Contrastive Learning Missing Labels +1

Beyond Graph Convolutional Network: An Interpretable Regularizer-centered Optimization Framework

no code implementations11 Jan 2023 Shiping Wang, Zhihao Wu, Yuhong Chen, Yong Chen

Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been attracting widespread attentions due to their encouraging performance and powerful generalizations.

Highly Confident Local Structure Based Consensus Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Jie Wen, Chengliang Liu, Gehui Xu, Zhihao Wu, Chao Huang, Lunke Fei, Yong Xu

Graph-based multi-view clustering has attracted extensive attention because of the powerful clustering-structure representation ability and noise robustness.

Clustering Graph Learning +1

Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-view Clustering

1 code implementation5 Aug 2022 Chengliang Liu, Zhihao Wu, Jie Wen, Chao Huang, Yong Xu

Moreover, a novel local graph embedding term is introduced to learn the structured consensus representation.

Clustering Graph Embedding +2

Agent-Centric Relation Graph for Object Visual Navigation

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Xiaobo Hu, Youfang Lin, Shuo Wang, Zhihao Wu, Kai Lv

ACRG is a highly effective structure that consists of two relationships, i. e., the horizontal relationship among objects and the distance relationship between the agent and objects .

Object Relation +1

Analyzing Wikipedia Membership Dataset and PredictingUnconnected Nodes in the Signed Networks

no code implementations18 Oct 2021 Zhihao Wu, Taoran Li, Ray Roman

In the age of digital interaction, person-to-person relationships existing on social media may be different from the very same interactions that exist offline.

Lightweight image super-resolution with enhanced CNN

1 code implementation8 Jul 2020 Chunwei Tian, Ruibin Zhuge, Zhihao Wu, Yong Xu, WangMeng Zuo, Chen Chen, Chia-Wen Lin

Finally, the IRB uses coarse high-frequency features from the RB to learn more accurate SR features and construct a SR image.

Image Super-Resolution

Embracing Imperfect Datasets: A Review of Deep Learning Solutions for Medical Image Segmentation

no code implementations27 Aug 2019 Nima Tajbakhsh, Laura Jeyaseelan, Qian Li, Jeffrey Chiang, Zhihao Wu, Xiaowei Ding

The medical imaging literature has witnessed remarkable progress in high-performing segmentation models based on convolutional neural networks.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

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