Search Results for author: Zhihao Zhang

Found 27 papers, 10 papers with code

TidalDecode: Fast and Accurate LLM Decoding with Position Persistent Sparse Attention

1 code implementation7 Oct 2024 Lijie Yang, Zhihao Zhang, Zhuofu Chen, Zikun Li, Zhihao Jia

Existing sparse attention mechanisms designed to address this bottleneck have two limitations: (1) they often fail to reliably identify the most relevant tokens for attention, and (2) they overlook the spatial coherence of token selection across consecutive Transformer layers, which can lead to performance degradation and substantial overhead in token selection.


ATLAS: Improving Lay Summarisation with Attribute-based Control

no code implementations9 Jun 2024 Zhihao Zhang, Tomas Goldsack, Carolina Scarton, Chenghua Lin

Lay summarisation aims to produce summaries of scientific articles that are comprehensible to non-expert audiences.


RU-AI: A Large Multimodal Dataset for Machine Generated Content Detection

1 code implementation7 Jun 2024 Liting Huang, Zhihao Zhang, Yiran Zhang, Xiyue Zhou, Shoujin Wang

However, due to a lack of aligned multimodal datasets, effective and robust methods for detecting machine-generated content are still in the early stages of development.

Game-MUG: Multimodal Oriented Game Situation Understanding and Commentary Generation Dataset

no code implementations30 Apr 2024 Zhihao Zhang, Feiqi Cao, Yingbin Mo, Yiran Zhang, Josiah Poon, Caren Han

In addition, we also propose a new audience conversation augmented commentary dataset by covering the game situation and audience conversation understanding, and introducing a robust joint multimodal dual learning model as a baseline.

Time Series

Adaptive Learning for Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction

no code implementations8 Apr 2024 Qinglu Min, Jie Zhao, Zhihao Zhang, Chen Min

Deep learning has recently demonstrated its excellent performance on the task of multi-view stereo (MVS).

TAMM: TriAdapter Multi-Modal Learning for 3D Shape Understanding

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Zhihao Zhang, Shengcao Cao, Yu-Xiong Wang

The limited scale of current 3D shape datasets hinders the advancements in 3D shape understanding, and motivates multi-modal learning approaches which transfer learned knowledge from data-abundant 2D image and language modalities to 3D shapes.

3D Shape Representation Representation Learning +3

Unveiling Linguistic Regions in Large Language Models

1 code implementation22 Feb 2024 Zhihao Zhang, Jun Zhao, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Xuanjing Huang

Furthermore, this core region exhibits significant dimensional dependence, perturbations to even a single parameter on specific dimensions leading to a loss of linguistic competence.

Advancing Translation Preference Modeling with RLHF: A Step Towards Cost-Effective Solution

no code implementations18 Feb 2024 Nuo Xu, Jun Zhao, Can Zu, Sixian Li, Lu Chen, Zhihao Zhang, Rui Zheng, Shihan Dou, Wenjuan Qin, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

To address this issue, we propose a cost-effective preference learning strategy, optimizing reward models by distinguishing between human and machine translations.

Machine Translation Translation

Accelerating Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Serving with Speculation

no code implementations25 Jan 2024 Zhihao Zhang, Alan Zhu, Lijie Yang, Yihua Xu, LanTing LI, Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana, Zhihao Jia

Retrieval-augmented language models (RaLM) have demonstrated the potential to solve knowledge-intensive natural language processing (NLP) tasks by combining a non-parametric knowledge base with a parametric language model.

Language Modelling Retrieval

LLaMA Beyond English: An Empirical Study on Language Capability Transfer

no code implementations2 Jan 2024 Jun Zhao, Zhihao Zhang, Luhui Gao, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Xuanjing Huang

In recent times, substantial advancements have been witnessed in large language models (LLMs), exemplified by ChatGPT, showcasing remarkable proficiency across a range of complex tasks.

Informativeness MMLU +1

Language Model as an Annotator: Unsupervised Context-aware Quality Phrase Generation

no code implementations28 Dec 2023 Zhihao Zhang, Yuan Zuo, Chenghua Lin, Junjie Wu

Finally, we merge the quality phrases from both the Annotator and Generator as the final predictions, considering their complementary nature and distinct characteristics.

Informativeness Language Modelling +1

Towards Efficient Generative Large Language Model Serving: A Survey from Algorithms to Systems

no code implementations23 Dec 2023 Xupeng Miao, Gabriele Oliaro, Zhihao Zhang, Xinhao Cheng, Hongyi Jin, Tianqi Chen, Zhihao Jia

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), generative large language models (LLMs) stand at the forefront, revolutionizing how we interact with our data.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

Enhancing Biomedical Lay Summarisation with External Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation24 Oct 2023 Tomas Goldsack, Zhihao Zhang, Chen Tang, Carolina Scarton, Chenghua Lin

Previous approaches for automatic lay summarisation are exclusively reliant on the source article that, given it is written for a technical audience (e. g., researchers), is unlikely to explicitly define all technical concepts or state all of the background information that is relevant for a lay audience.

Decoder Knowledge Graphs

Unveiling A Core Linguistic Region in Large Language Models

no code implementations23 Oct 2023 Jun Zhao, Zhihao Zhang, Yide Ma, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Luhui Gao, Xuanjing Huang

We have discovered a core region in LLMs that corresponds to linguistic competence, accounting for approximately 1% of the total model parameters.

SpecInfer: Accelerating Generative Large Language Model Serving with Tree-based Speculative Inference and Verification

3 code implementations16 May 2023 Xupeng Miao, Gabriele Oliaro, Zhihao Zhang, Xinhao Cheng, Zeyu Wang, Zhengxin Zhang, Rae Ying Yee Wong, Alan Zhu, Lijie Yang, Xiaoxiang Shi, Chunan Shi, Zhuoming Chen, Daiyaan Arfeen, Reyna Abhyankar, Zhihao Jia

Our evaluation shows that SpecInfer outperforms existing LLM serving systems by 1. 5-2. 8x for distributed LLM inference and by 2. 6-3. 5x for offloading-based LLM inference, while preserving the same generative performance.

Decoder Language Modelling +1

AbHE: All Attention-based Homography Estimation

no code implementations6 Dec 2022 Mingxiao Huo, Zhihao Zhang, Xinyang Ren, Xianqiang Yang

While the state-of-theart homography method is based on convolution neural networks, few work focuses on transformer which shows superiority in highlevel vision tasks.

Homography Estimation regression

PiggyBack: Pretrained Visual Question Answering Environment for Backing up Non-deep Learning Professionals

no code implementations29 Nov 2022 Zhihao Zhang, Siwen Luo, Junyi Chen, Sijia Lai, Siqu Long, Hyunsuk Chung, Soyeon Caren Han

We propose a PiggyBack, a Visual Question Answering platform that allows users to apply the state-of-the-art visual-language pretrained models easily.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

HFedMS: Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Memorable Data Semantics in Industrial Metaverse

1 code implementation7 Nov 2022 Shenglai Zeng, Zonghang Li, Hongfang Yu, Zhihao Zhang, Long Luo, Bo Li, Dusit Niyato

Federated Learning (FL), as a rapidly evolving privacy-preserving collaborative machine learning paradigm, is a promising approach to enable edge intelligence in the emerging Industrial Metaverse.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving +1

EtriCA: Event-Triggered Context-Aware Story Generation Augmented by Cross Attention

1 code implementation22 Oct 2022 Chen Tang, Chenghua Lin, Henglin Huang, Frank Guerin, Zhihao Zhang

One of the key challenges of automatic story generation is how to generate a long narrative that can maintain fluency, relevance, and coherence.

Story Generation

NGEP: A Graph-based Event Planning Framework for Story Generation

1 code implementation19 Oct 2022 Chen Tang, Zhihao Zhang, Tyler Loakman, Chenghua Lin, Frank Guerin

To improve the performance of long text generation, recent studies have leveraged automatically planned event structures (i. e. storylines) to guide story generation.

Hallucination Story Generation

Making Science Simple: Corpora for the Lay Summarisation of Scientific Literature

1 code implementation18 Oct 2022 Tomas Goldsack, Zhihao Zhang, Chenghua Lin, Carolina Scarton

Lay summarisation aims to jointly summarise and simplify a given text, thus making its content more comprehensible to non-experts.

Lay Summarization

Quark: A Gradient-Free Quantum Learning Framework for Classification Tasks

no code implementations2 Oct 2022 Zhihao Zhang, Zhuoming Chen, Heyang Huang, Zhihao Jia

To address the limitations of existing quantum ML methods, we introduce Quark, a gradient-free quantum learning framework that optimizes quantum ML models using quantum optimization.

Edge Detection

GradSign: Model Performance Inference with Theoretical Insights

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 Zhihao Zhang, Zhihao Jia

In addition, we design GradSign, an accurate and simple approximation of {\Psi} using the gradients of a network evaluated at a random initialization state.

Neural Architecture Search

Spatio-Temporal Graph Dual-Attention Network for Multi-Agent Prediction and Tracking

no code implementations18 Feb 2021 Jiachen Li, Hengbo Ma, Zhihao Zhang, Jinning Li, Masayoshi Tomizuka

Due to the existence of frequent interactions and uncertainty in the scene evolution, it is desired for the prediction system to enable relational reasoning on different entities and provide a distribution of future trajectories for each agent.

Autonomous Vehicles Navigate +2

Social-WaGDAT: Interaction-aware Trajectory Prediction via Wasserstein Graph Double-Attention Network

no code implementations14 Feb 2020 Jiachen Li, Hengbo Ma, Zhihao Zhang, Masayoshi Tomizuka

Effective understanding of the environment and accurate trajectory prediction of surrounding dynamic obstacles are indispensable for intelligent mobile systems (like autonomous vehicles and social robots) to achieve safe and high-quality planning when they navigate in highly interactive and crowded scenarios.

Autonomous Vehicles Navigate +2

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