Search Results for author: Zhilin Zhao

Found 13 papers, 8 papers with code

基于话头话体共享结构信息的机器阅读理解研究(Rearch on Machine reading comprehension based on shared structure information between Naming and Telling)

no code implementations CCL 2022 Yujiao Han, Zhiyong Luo, Mingming Zhang, Zhilin Zhao, Qing Zhang

“机器阅读理解(Machine Reading Comprehension, MRC)任务旨在让机器回答给定上下文的问题来测试机器理解自然语言的能力。目前, 基于大规模预训练语言模型的神经机器阅读理解模型已经取得重要进展, 但在涉及答案要素、线索要素和问题要素跨标点句、远距离关联时, 答案抽取的准确率还有待提升。本文通过篇章内话头话体结构分析, 建立标点句间远距离关联关系、补全共享缺失成分, 辅助机器阅读理解答案抽取;设计和实现融合话头话体结构信息的机器阅读理解模型, 在公开数据集CMRC2018上的实验结果表明, 模型的F1值相对于基线模型提升2. 4%, EM值提升6%。”

Machine Reading Comprehension

基于神经网络的半监督CRF中文分词(Semi-supervised CRF Chinese Word Segmentation based on Neural Network)

no code implementations CCL 2022 Zhiyong Luo, Mingming Zhang, Yujiao Han, Zhilin Zhao

“分词是中文信息处理的基础任务之一。目前全监督中文分词技术已相对成熟并在通用领域取得较好效果, 但全监督方法存在依赖大规模标注语料且领域迁移能力差的问题, 特别是跨领域未登录词识别性能不佳。为缓解上述问题, 本文提出了一种充分利用相对易得的目标领域无标注文本、实现跨领域迁移的半监督中文分词框架;并设计实现了基于词记忆网络和序列条件熵的半监督权杒杆中文分词模型。实验结果表明本该模型在多个领域数据集上杆札值和杒杏杏杖值分别取得最高朲. 朳朵朥和朱朲. 朱朲朥的提升, 并在多个数据集上成为当前好结果。”

Chinese Word Segmentation

Federated Neural Nonparametric Point Processes

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Hui Chen, Xuhui Fan, Hengyu Liu, Yaqiong Li, Zhilin Zhao, Feng Zhou, Christopher John Quinn, Longbing Cao

Temporal point processes (TPPs) are effective for modeling event occurrences over time, but they struggle with sparse and uncertain events in federated systems, where privacy is a major concern.

Point Processes

ParamReL: Learning Parameter Space Representation via Progressively Encoding Bayesian Flow Networks

1 code implementation24 May 2024 Zhangkai Wu, Xuhui Fan, Jin Li, Zhilin Zhao, Hui Chen, Longbing Cao

Specifically, ParamReL proposes a \emph{self-}encoder to learn latent semantics directly from parameters, rather than from observations.

Disentanglement Learning Semantic Representations

Rethinking CLIP-based Video Learners in Cross-Domain Open-Vocabulary Action Recognition

1 code implementation3 Mar 2024 Kun-Yu Lin, Henghui Ding, Jiaming Zhou, Yu-Ming Tang, Yi-Xing Peng, Zhilin Zhao, Chen Change Loy, Wei-Shi Zheng

To answer this, we establish a CROSS-domain Open-Vocabulary Action recognition benchmark named XOV-Action, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of five state-of-the-art CLIP-based video learners under various types of domain gaps.

Open Vocabulary Action Recognition

Distilling the Unknown to Unveil Certainty

1 code implementation14 Nov 2023 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Yixuan Zhang, Kun-Yu Lin, Wei-Shi Zheng

This paper introduces OOD knowledge distillation, a pioneering learning framework applicable whether or not training ID data is available, given a standard network.

Knowledge Distillation Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

Dual Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Detection

1 code implementation19 Jun 2022 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao

To distinguish in- and out-of-distribution samples, Dual Representation Learning (DRL) makes out-of-distribution samples harder to have high-confidence predictions by exploring both strongly and weakly label-related information from in-distribution samples.

Informativeness Out-of-Distribution Detection +1

Out-of-distribution Detection by Cross-class Vicinity Distribution of In-distribution Data

1 code implementation19 Jun 2022 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Kun-Yu Lin

We thus improve the discriminability of a pretrained network by finetuning it with out-of-distribution samples drawn from the cross-class vicinity distribution, where each out-of-distribution input corresponds to a complementary label.

Image Classification Out-of-Distribution Detection

Supervision Adaptation Balancing In-distribution Generalization and Out-of-distribution Detection

no code implementations19 Jun 2022 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Kun-Yu Lin

To tackle this issue, several state-of-the-art methods include adding extra OOD samples to training and assign them with manually-defined labels.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

Gray Learning from Non-IID Data with Out-of-distribution Samples

1 code implementation19 Jun 2022 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Chang-Dong Wang

We observe that both in- and out-of-distribution samples can almost invariably be ruled out from belonging to certain classes, aside from those corresponding to unreliable ground-truth labels.

Learning Theory

Mixture of Online and Offline Experts for Non-stationary Time Series

1 code implementation12 Feb 2022 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Yuanyu Wan

MOOE learns static offline experts from offline intervals and maintains a dynamic online expert for the current online interval.

Time Series Transfer Learning

Revealing the Distributional Vulnerability of Discriminators by Implicit Generators

1 code implementation23 Aug 2021 Zhilin Zhao, Longbing Cao, Kun-Yu Lin

According to the Shannon entropy, an energy-based implicit generator is inferred from a discriminator without extra training costs.

Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

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