Search Results for author: Zhimeng Yin

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

mmSpyVR: Exploiting mmWave Radar for Penetrating Obstacles to Uncover Privacy Vulnerability of Virtual Reality

1 code implementation15 Nov 2024 Luoyu MEI, Ruofeng Liu, Zhimeng Yin, Qingchuan Zhao, Wenchao Jiang, Shuai Wang, Kangjie Lu, Tian He

The mmSpyVR demonstrates the capability to extract critical VR privacy from the mmWave signals that have penetrated through obstacles.

Transfer Learning

ESP-PCT: Enhanced VR Semantic Performance through Efficient Compression of Temporal and Spatial Redundancies in Point Cloud Transformers

1 code implementation2 Sep 2024 Luoyu MEI, Yun Cheng, Ruofeng Liu, Zhimeng Yin, Wenchao Jiang, Shuai Wang, Wei Gong

Notably, ESP-PCT achieves a remarkable accuracy of 93. 2% while reducing the computational requirements (FLOPs) by 76. 9% and memory usage by 78. 2% compared to the existing Point Transformer model simultaneously.

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