Search Results for author: Zhiqiang Guo

Found 10 papers, 8 papers with code

Multimodal Difference Learning for Sequential Recommendation

no code implementations11 Dec 2024 Changhong Li, Zhiqiang Guo

Then, to capture the differences in user interests across modalities, we design a interest-centralized attention mechanism to independently model user sequence representations in different modalities.

Sequential Recommendation

PerSRV: Personalized Sticker Retrieval with Vision-Language Model

1 code implementation29 Oct 2024 Heng Er Metilda Chee, Jiayin Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang

The online retrieval part follows the paradigm of relevant recall and personalized ranking, supported by the offline pre-calculation parts, which are sticker semantic understanding, utility evaluation and personalization modules.

Language Modelling Retrieval

StepTool: A Step-grained Reinforcement Learning Framework for Tool Learning in LLMs

1 code implementation10 Oct 2024 Yuanqing Yu, Zhefan Wang, Weizhi Ma, Zhicheng Guo, Jingtao Zhan, Shuai Wang, Chuhan Wu, Zhiqiang Guo, Min Zhang

Despite having powerful reasoning and inference capabilities, Large Language Models (LLMs) still need external tools to acquire real-time information retrieval or domain-specific expertise to solve complex tasks, which is referred to as tool learning.

Information Retrieval Policy Gradient Methods

DualVAE: Dual Disentangled Variational AutoEncoder for Recommendation

1 code implementation10 Jan 2024 Zhiqiang Guo, GuoHui Li, Jianjun Li, Chaoyang Wang, Si Shi

To address this problem, we propose a Dual Disentangled Variational AutoEncoder (DualVAE) for collaborative recommendation, which combines disentangled representation learning with variational inference to facilitate the generation of implicit interaction data.

Collaborative Filtering Disentanglement +1

LGMRec: Local and Global Graph Learning for Multimodal Recommendation

1 code implementation27 Dec 2023 Zhiqiang Guo, Jianjun Li, GuoHui Li, Chaoyang Wang, Si Shi, Bin Ruan

The multimodal recommendation has gradually become the infrastructure of online media platforms, enabling them to provide personalized service to users through a joint modeling of user historical behaviors (e. g., purchases, clicks) and item various modalities (e. g., visual and textual).

Graph Embedding Graph Learning +2

MDGCF: Multi-Dependency Graph Collaborative Filtering with Neighborhood- and Homogeneous-level Dependencies

1 code implementation CIKM 2022 GuoHui Li, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianjun Li, Chaoyang Wang

Specifically, for neighborhood-level dependencies, we explicitly consider both popularity score and preference correlation by designing a joint neighborhood-level dependency weight, based on which we construct a neighborhood-level dependencies graph to capture higher-order interaction features.

Collaborative Filtering Graph Representation Learning +1

TopicVAE: Topic-aware Disentanglement Representation Learning for Enhanced Recommendation

1 code implementation ACM MM 2022 Zhiqiang Guo, GuoHui Li, Jianjun Li, Huaicong Chen

However, most existing methods considering content information are not well-designed to disentangle user preference features due to neglecting the diversity of user preference on different semantic topics of items, resulting in sub-optimal performance and low interpretability.

Disentanglement Recommendation Systems

A Light Heterogeneous Graph Collaborative Filtering Model using Textual Information

1 code implementation4 Oct 2020 Chaoyang Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, GuoHui Li, Jianjun Li, Peng Pan, Ke Liu

Afterward, by performing a simplified RGCN-based node information propagation on the constructed heterogeneous graph, the embeddings of users and items can be adjusted with textual knowledge, which effectively alleviates the negative effects of data sparsity.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems +1

A Text-based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Interactive Recommendation

1 code implementation14 Apr 2020 Chaoyang Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianjun Li, Peng Pan, Guo-Hui Li

IRSs usually face the large discrete action space problem, which makes most of the existing RL-based recommendation methods inefficient.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Systems +2

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