Search Results for author: Zhiqing Wei

Found 32 papers, 3 papers with code

Multipath Component-Aided Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems

no code implementations31 Dec 2024 Haotian Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Xiyang Wang, Yangyang Niu, Yixin Zhang, Huici Wu, Zhiyong Feng

Specifically, we propose a symbol-level fusion for MPC-aided localization (SFMC) scheme to achieve robust and high-accuracy localization, and apply a Khatri-Rao space-time (KRST) code to improve the communication and sensing performance in rich multipath environment.

Channel-Adaptive Wireless Image Semantic Transmission with Learnable Prompts

no code implementations15 Nov 2024 Liang Zhang, Danlan Huang, Xinyi Zhou, Feng Ding, Sheng Wu, Zhiqing Wei

Recent developments in Deep learning based Joint Source-Channel Coding (DeepJSCC) have demonstrated impressive capabilities within wireless semantic communications system.

Image Reconstruction

Interference Management in MIMO-ISAC Systems: A Transceiver Design Approach

no code implementations7 Jul 2024 Yangyang Niu, Zhiqing Wei, Dingyou Ma, Xiaoyu Yang, Huici Wu, Zhiyong Feng, Jianhua Yuan

The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system under multi-input multi-output (MIMO) architecture achieves dual functionalities of sensing and communication on the same platform by utilizing spatial gain, which provides a feasible paradigm facing spectrum congestion.


Neural Probabilistic Logic Learning for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Fengsong Sun, Jinyu Wang, Zhiqing Wei, Xianchao Zhang

Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning is a task that aims to predict unknown facts based on known factual samples.

Knowledge Graphs Variational Inference

Hybrid Beamforming Design for Near-Field ISAC with Modular XL-MIMO

no code implementations18 Jun 2024 Chunwei Meng, Dingyou Ma, Zhaolin Wang, Yuanwei Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng

Considering the hybrid digital-analog structure inherent to modular arrays, we formulate a joint analog-digital beamforming design problem based on the communication spectral efficiency and sensing signal-to-clutter-plus-noise ratio (SCNR).

Carrier Aggregation Enabled MIMO-OFDM Integrated Sensing and Communication

no code implementations17 May 2024 Haotian Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Jinghui Piao, Huici Wu, Xingwang Li, Zhiyong Feng

The challenges in sensing signal processing introduced by CA include the initial phase misalignment of the echo signals on high and low-frequency bands due to attenuation and radar cross section, and the fusion of the sensing data on high and low-frequency bands with different physical-layer parameters.

Integrated Sensing and Communication Enabled Cooperative Passive Sensing Using Mobile Communication System

no code implementations15 May 2024 Zhiqing Wei, Haotian Liu, Hujun Li, Wangjun Jiang, Zhiyong Feng, Huici Wu, Ping Zhang

However, multi-BS cooperative passive sensing faces the challenges of synchronization offsets mitigation and sensing information fusion.

Multi-Objective Optimization-based Transmit Beamforming for Multi-Target and Multi-User MIMO-ISAC Systems

no code implementations15 May 2024 Chunwei Meng, Zhiqing Wei, Dingyou Ma, Wanli Ni, Liyan Su, Zhiyong Feng

To achieve the Pareto boundary, the max-min system utility function method is employed, while considering the fairness between communication users and radar targets.


Target Localization with Macro and Micro Base Stations Cooperative Sensing

no code implementations5 May 2024 Haotian Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Furong Yang, Huici Wu, Kaifeng Han, Zhiyong Feng

Addressing the communication and sensing demands of sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication system, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has garnered traction in academia and industry.

Deep Learning Based Multi-Node ISAC 4D Environmental Reconstruction with Uplink- Downlink Cooperation

1 code implementation23 Apr 2024 Bohao Lu, Zhiqing Wei, Huici Wu, Xinrui Zeng, Lin Wang, Xi Lu, Dongyang Mei, Zhiyong Feng

Utilizing widely distributed communication nodes to achieve environmental reconstruction is one of the significant scenarios for Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) and a crucial technology for 6G.

Integrated Sensing and Communication enabled Multiple Base Stations Cooperative UAV Detection

no code implementations19 Apr 2024 Xi Lu, Zhiqing Wei, Ruizhong Xu, Lin Wang, Bohao Lu, Jinghui Piao

Specifically, a multiple signal classification (MUSIC)-based symbol-level fusion method is proposed for UAV localization and velocity estimation, consisting of a single-BS preprocessing step and a lattice points searching step.


Deep Cooperation in ISAC System: Resource, Node and Infrastructure Perspectives

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Zhiqing Wei, Haotian Liu, Zhiyong Feng, Huici Wu, Fan Liu, Qixun Zhang, Yucong Du

This article may provide a deep and comprehensive view on the cooperative sensing in ISAC system to enhance the performance of sensing, supporting the applications of IoE.

Sensing-assisted Accurate and Fast Beam Management for Cellular-connected mmWave UAV Network

no code implementations12 Oct 2023 Yanpeng Cui, Qixun Zhang, Zhiyong Feng, Qin Wen, Ying Zhou, Zhiqing Wei, Ping Zhang

This paper presents a novel sensing-assisted beam management approach, the first solution that fully utilizes the information from the visual domain to improve communication performance.


Integrated Sensing and Communication Neighbor Discovery for MANET with Gossip Mechanism

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Zhiqing Wei, Chenfei Li, Yanpeng Cui, Xu Chen, Zeyang Meng, Zhiyong Feng

In order to further reduce the convergence time of ND, this paper introduces the ISAC-enabled gossip mechanism into the ND algorithm.


Integrated Sensing and Communication enabled Doppler Frequency Shift Estimation and Compensation

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Jinzhu Jia, Zhiqing Wei, Ruiyun Zhang, Lin Wang

Despite the millimeter wave technology fulfills the low-latency and high data transmission, it will cause severe Doppler Frequency Shift (DFS) for high-speed vehicular network, which tremendously damages the communication performance.

ISAC 4D Imaging System Based on 5G Downlink Millimeter Wave Signal

1 code implementation10 Oct 2023 Bohao Lu, Zhiqing Wei, Lin Wang, Ruiyun Zhang, Zhiyong Feng

Integrated Sensing and Communication(ISAC) has become a key technology for the 5th generation (5G) and 6th generation (6G) wireless communications due to its high spectrum utilization efficiency.

Integrated Sensing and Communication Signal Processing Based on Compressed Sensing Over Unlicensed Spectrum Bands

no code implementations4 Oct 2023 Haotian Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Fengyun Li, Yuewei Lin, Hanyang Qu, Huici Wu, Zhiyong Feng

The ISAC-enabled mobile communication system regularly operate in non-continuous spectrum bands due to crowded licensed frequency bands.

Carrier Aggregation Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication Signal Design and Processing

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Zhiqing Wei, Haotian Liu, Xinyi Yang, Wangjun Jiang, Huici Wu, Xingwang Li, Zhiyong Feng

The future mobile communication systems will support intelligent applications such as Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Extended Reality (XR).

Joint Data Collection and Sensor Positioning in Multi-UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Network

no code implementations14 Aug 2023 Mingyue Zhu, Zhiqing Wei, Chen Qiu, Wangjun Jiang, Huici Wu, Zhiying Feng

Firstly, the block coordinate descent (BCD) and successive convex approximation (SCA) techniques are applied to iteratively optimize the trajectory of the main UAV and the sensor transmission schedule, so as to maximize the minimum amount of data uploaded by the sensor.


Symbol-level Integrated Sensing and Communication enabled Multiple Base Stations Cooperative Sensing

no code implementations13 Aug 2023 Zhiqing Wei, Ruizhong Xu, Zhiyong Feng, Huici Wu, Ning Zhang, Wangjun Jiang, Xiaoyu Yang

This work may provide a guideline for the design of multi-BS cooperative sensing system to exploit the widely deployed networked mobile communication system.

SLAM for Multiple Extended Targets using 5G Signal

no code implementations4 Aug 2023 Wangjun Jiang, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng

To evaluate the performance of 5G signal in SLAM, we analyze and simulate the mapping error of 5G signal sensing by ET-GOPSA.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

ISAC-NET: Model-driven Deep Learning for Integrated Passive Sensing and Communication

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Wangjun Jiang, Dingyou Ma, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng, Ping Zhang

From the simulation results, ISAC-NET obtains better communication performance than the traditional signal demodulation algorithm, which is close to OAMP-Net2.

Coherent Compensation based ISAC Signal Processing for Long-range Sensing

no code implementations13 Jul 2023 Lin Wang, Zhiqing Wei, Liyan Su, Zhiyong Feng, Huici Wu, Dongsheng Xue

Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) will greatly enhance the efficiency of physical resource utilization.

Toward Trusted and Swift UAV Communication: ISAC-Enabled Dual Identity Mapping

no code implementations30 Jun 2023 Yanpeng Cui, Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang, Zhiqing Wei, Chenlong Xu, Ping Zhang

This tutorial for the intelligent and efficient UAV network brings new insight on providing dual-domain identity via ISAC technology, with an eye on trusted and swift communication research tailored for the 6G UAV network.

Intelligent Communication Management

Iterative Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems

no code implementations8 Jun 2023 Zhiqing Wei, Hanyang Qu, Wangjun Jiang, Kaifeng Han, Huici Wu, Zhiyong Feng

In this paper, phase coding is applied in ISAC signal design to improve the anti-noise performance of ISAC signal.


5G PRS-Based Sensing: A Sensing Reference Signal Approach for Joint Sensing and Communication System

no code implementations21 Nov 2022 Zhiqing Wei, YuAn Wang, Liang Ma, Shaoshi Yang, Zhiyong Feng, Chengkang Pan, Qixun Zhang, Yajuan Wang, Huici Wu, Ping Zhang

In this paper, we investigate how to apply the positioning reference signal (PRS) of the 5th generation (5G) mobile communications in radar sensing.

Autonomous Driving

Intelligent Reflecting Surface assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication System

no code implementations11 Nov 2022 Zhiqing Wei, Xinyi Yang, Chunwei Meng, Xiaoyu Yang, Kaifeng Han, Chen Qiu, Huici Wu

This paper proves the efficiency of IRS enabled ISAC system, which motivates the implementation of IRS to enhance the sensing capability in ISAC system.

Beam Training and Tracking in MmWave Communication: A Survey

no code implementations20 May 2022 Yi Wang, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng

This article provides an overview of the beam training and tracking technologies on mmWave bands and reveals the insights for future research in the 6th Generation (6G) mobile network.


Semi-WTC: A Practical Semi-supervised Framework for Attack Categorization through Weight-Task Consistency

1 code implementation19 May 2022 Zihan Li, Wentao Chen, Zhiqing Wei, Xingqi Luo, Bing Su

In addition, to cope with new attacks in real-world deployment, we propose an Active Adaption Resampling (AAR) method, which can better discover the distribution of unseen sample data and adapt the parameters of encoder.

Design and Performance Evaluation of Joint Sensing and Communication Integrated System for 5G MmWave Enabled CAVs

no code implementations24 Aug 2021 Qixun Zhang, Xinna Wang, Zhenhao Li, Zhiqing Wei

Finally, both simulation and hardware testbed are designed, and the results show that the proposed CTRA algorithm can improve the radar total mutual information by 26%, and the feasibility of the proposed JSCIS is achieved with an acceptable radar ranging accuracy within 0. 25 m, as well as a stable data rate of 2. 8 Gbps using the 28 GHz mmWave frequency band.

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