Search Results for author: Zhiwei Jiang

Found 15 papers, 9 papers with code

LongRecipe: Recipe for Efficient Long Context Generalization in Large Language Models

1 code implementation31 Aug 2024 Zhiyuan Hu, Yuliang Liu, Jinman Zhao, Suyuchen Wang, Yan Wang, Wei Shen, Qing Gu, Anh Tuan Luu, See-Kiong Ng, Zhiwei Jiang, Bryan Hooi

Large language models (LLMs) face significant challenges in handling long-context tasks because of their limited effective context window size during pretraining, which restricts their ability to generalize over extended sequences.


A Debiased Nearest Neighbors Framework for Multi-Label Text Classification

no code implementations6 Aug 2024 Zifeng Cheng, Zhiwei Jiang, Yafeng Yin, Zhaoling Chen, Cong Wang, Shiping Ge, Qiguo Huang, Qing Gu

For confidence estimation bias, we present a debiased confidence estimation strategy, improving the adaptive combination of predictions from $k$NN and inductive binary classifications.

Contrastive Learning Multi Label Text Classification +2

Multi-Prompting Decoder Helps Better Language Understanding

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Zifeng Cheng, Zhaoling Chen, Zhiwei Jiang, Yafeng Yin, Shiping Ge, Yuliang Liu, Qing Gu

Despite the effectiveness of these methods, they only use a single prompt to query PLMs for decoding, leading to a heavy reliance on the quality of the adopted prompt.

Decoder Natural Language Understanding

V-Express: Conditional Dropout for Progressive Training of Portrait Video Generation

no code implementations4 Jun 2024 Cong Wang, Kuan Tian, Jun Zhang, Yonghang Guan, Feng Luo, Fei Shen, Zhiwei Jiang, Qing Gu, Xiao Han, Wei Yang

In our work on portrait video generation, we identified audio signals as particularly weak, often overshadowed by stronger signals such as facial pose and reference image.

Video Generation

Ensembling Diffusion Models via Adaptive Feature Aggregation

1 code implementation27 May 2024 Cong Wang, Kuan Tian, Yonghang Guan, Jun Zhang, Zhiwei Jiang, Fei Shen, Xiao Han, Qing Gu, Wei Yang

In this paper, we propose a novel ensembling method, Adaptive Feature Aggregation (AFA), which dynamically adjusts the contributions of multiple models at the feature level according to various states (i. e., prompts, initial noises, denoising steps, and spatial locations), thereby keeping the advantages of multiple diffusion models, while suppressing their disadvantages.


MCA: Moment Channel Attention Networks

1 code implementation4 Mar 2024 Yangbo Jiang, Zhiwei Jiang, Le Han, Zenan Huang, Nenggan Zheng

In this paper, we investigate the statistical moments of feature maps within a neural network.

Image Classification Instance Segmentation +3

SignGraph: A Sign Sequence is Worth Graphs of Nodes

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Shiwei Gan, Yafeng Yin, Zhiwei Jiang, Hongkai Wen, Lei Xie, Sanglu Lu

In fact sign language tasks need to focus on the correlation of different regions in one frame and the interaction of different regions among adjacent frames for identifying a sign sequence.

ML-Bench: Evaluating Large Language Models and Agents for Machine Learning Tasks on Repository-Level Code

1 code implementation16 Nov 2023 Xiangru Tang, Yuliang Liu, Zefan Cai, Yanjun Shao, Junjie Lu, Yichi Zhang, Zexuan Deng, Helan Hu, Kaikai An, Ruijun Huang, Shuzheng Si, Sheng Chen, Haozhe Zhao, Liang Chen, Yan Wang, Tianyu Liu, Zhiwei Jiang, Baobao Chang, Yin Fang, Yujia Qin, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yilun Zhao, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Despite Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 achieving impressive results in function-level code generation, they struggle with repository-scale code understanding (e. g., coming up with the right arguments for calling routines), requiring a deeper comprehension of complex file interactions.

Code Generation Navigate +1

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface & Edge -- An Introduction of an EM manipulation structure on obstacles' edge

no code implementations3 Nov 2023 Tianqi Xiang, Zhiwei Jiang, Weijun Hong, Xin Zhang, Yuehong Gao

In this paper, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface & Edge (RISE) is proposed to extend RIS' abilities of reflection and refraction over surfaces to diffraction around obstacles' edge for better adaptation to specific coverage scenarios.

Unifying Token and Span Level Supervisions for Few-Shot Sequence Labeling

1 code implementation16 Jul 2023 Zifeng Cheng, Qingyu Zhou, Zhiwei Jiang, Xuemin Zhao, Yunbo Cao, Qing Gu

However, these methods are only trained at a single granularity (i. e., either token level or span level) and have some weaknesses of the corresponding granularity.

Metric Learning

Controlling Class Layout for Deep Ordinal Classification via Constrained Proxies Learning

1 code implementation1 Mar 2023 Cong Wang, Zhiwei Jiang, Yafeng Yin, Zifeng Cheng, Shiping Ge, Qing Gu

For deep ordinal classification, learning a well-structured feature space specific to ordinal classification is helpful to properly capture the ordinal nature among classes.

Ordinal Classification

Learning to Classify Open Intent via Soft Labeling and Manifold Mixup

1 code implementation16 Apr 2022 Zifeng Cheng, Zhiwei Jiang, Yafeng Yin, Cong Wang, Qing Gu

In our method, soft labeling is used to reshape the label distribution of the known intent samples, aiming at reducing model's overconfident on known intents.

intent-classification Intent Classification +1

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