Search Results for author: Zhiwen Wang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

JoReS-Diff: Joint Retinex and Semantic Priors in Diffusion Model for Low-light Image Enhancement

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Yuhui Wu, Guoqing Wang, Zhiwen Wang, Yang Yang, Tianyu Li, Malu Zhang, Chongyi Li, Heng Tao Shen

By treating Retinex- and semantic-based priors as the condition, JoReS-Diff presents a unique perspective for establishing an diffusion model for LLIE and similar image enhancement tasks.

Low-Light Image Enhancement Semantic Segmentation

Privacy-Preserving Encrypted Low-Dose CT Denoising

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Ziyuan Yang, Huijie Huangfu, Maosong Ran, Zhiwen Wang, Hui Yu, Yi Zhang

In this way, the proposed methods can achieve two merits, the data privacy is well protected and the server model is free from the risk of model leakage.

Denoising Privacy Preserving

Solving multiscale elliptic problems by sparse radial basis function neural networks

no code implementations1 Sep 2023 Zhiwen Wang, Minxin Chen, Jingrun Chen

Thus the loss function contains two parts: the $L_2$ loss for the residual of the first-order system and boundary conditions, and the $\ell_1$ regularization term for the weights of radial basis functions (RBFs).

Target-Aware Tracking with Long-term Context Attention

1 code implementation27 Feb 2023 Kaijie He, Canlong Zhang, Sheng Xie, Zhixin Li, Zhiwen Wang

Most deep trackers still follow the guidance of the siamese paradigms and use a template that contains only the target without any contextual information, which makes it difficult for the tracker to cope with large appearance changes, rapid target movement, and attraction from similar objects.

Video Object Tracking Visual Object Tracking +1

One Network to Solve Them All: A Sequential Multi-Task Joint Learning Network Framework for MR Imaging Pipeline

no code implementations14 May 2021 Zhiwen Wang, Wenjun Xia, Zexin Lu, Yongqiang Huang, Yan Liu, Hu Chen, Jiliu Zhou, Yi Zhang

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition, reconstruction, and segmentation are usually processed independently in the conventional practice of MRI workflow.


Privacy-Preserving Distributed Parameter Estimation for Probability Distribution of Wind Power Forecast Error

no code implementations17 Dec 2018 Mengshuo Jia, Shaowei Huang, Zhiwen Wang, Chen Shen

Establishing the joint probability distribution of wind power and the corresponding forecast data of spatially correlated WFs is the foundation for deriving the conditional probability distribution.

Decision Making Privacy Preserving

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