1 code implementation • 27 May 2024 • Zhixing Cao, Yiling Wang, Ramon Grima
We report the existence of deterministic patterns in plots showing the relationship between the mean and the Fano factor (ratio of variance and mean) of stochastic count data.
1 code implementation • 14 Aug 2023 • Fulin Gao, Weimin Zhong, Zhixing Cao, Xin Peng, Zhi Li
To bridge this gap, we propose OpenGCD that combines three key ideas to solve the above problems sequentially: (a) We score the origin of instances (unknown or specifically known) based on the uncertainty of the classifier's prediction; (b) For the first time, we introduce generalized category discovery (GCD) techniques in OWR to assist humans in grouping unlabeled data; (c) For the smooth execution of IL and GCD, we retain an equal number of informative exemplars for each class with diversity as the goal.
no code implementations • 20 Oct 2019 • James Holehouse, Zhixing Cao, Ramon Grima
Auto-regulatory feedback loops are one of the most common network motifs.