Search Results for author: Zhiyang Wang

Found 22 papers, 0 papers with code

Improved Image Classification with Manifold Neural Networks

no code implementations19 Sep 2024 Caio F. Deberaldini Netto, Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz

We construct an image manifold using variational autoencoders, then sample the manifold to generate graphs where each node is an image.

Classification Image Classification

Generalization of Geometric Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations8 Sep 2024 Zhiyang Wang, Juan Cervino, Alejandro Ribeiro

This generalization gap ensures that the GNN trained on a graph on a set of sampled points can be utilized to process other unseen graphs constructed from the same underlying manifold.

Generalization of Graph Neural Networks is Robust to Model Mismatch

no code implementations25 Aug 2024 Zhiyang Wang, Juan Cervino, Alejandro Ribeiro

Importantly, we observe a trade-off between the generalization of GNNs and the capability to discriminate high-frequency components when facing a model mismatch.


Geometric Graph Filters and Neural Networks: Limit Properties and Discriminability Trade-offs

no code implementations29 May 2023 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

This paper studies the relationship between a graph neural network (GNN) and a manifold neural network (MNN) when the graph is constructed from a set of points sampled from the manifold, thus encoding geometric information.

Graph Neural Network Point Cloud Classification

Tangent Bundle Convolutional Learning: from Manifolds to Cellular Sheaves and Back

no code implementations20 Mar 2023 Claudio Battiloro, Zhiyang Wang, Hans Riess, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Alejandro Ribeiro

We define tangent bundle filters and tangent bundle neural networks (TNNs) based on this convolution operation, which are novel continuous architectures operating on tangent bundle signals, i. e. vector fields over the manifolds.

Graphon Pooling for Reducing Dimensionality of Signals and Convolutional Operators on Graphs

no code implementations15 Dec 2022 Alejandro Parada-Mayorga, Zhiyang Wang, Alejandro Ribeiro

In this paper we propose a pooling approach for convolutional information processing on graphs relying on the theory of graphons and limits of dense graph sequences.

Dimensionality Reduction

Convolutional Filtering on Sampled Manifolds

no code implementations20 Nov 2022 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

The increasing availability of geometric data has motivated the need for information processing over non-Euclidean domains modeled as manifolds.

Tangent Bundle Filters and Neural Networks: from Manifolds to Cellular Sheaves and Back

no code implementations26 Oct 2022 Claudio Battiloro, Zhiyang Wang, Hans Riess, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Alejandro Ribeiro

In this work we introduce a convolution operation over the tangent bundle of Riemannian manifolds exploiting the Connection Laplacian operator.


Convolutional Neural Networks on Manifolds: From Graphs and Back

no code implementations1 Oct 2022 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

Deep neural network architectures have been proved as a powerful technique to solve problems based on these data residing on the manifold.

Stability of Aggregation Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations8 Jul 2022 Alejandro Parada-Mayorga, Zhiyang Wang, Fernando Gama, Alejandro Ribeiro

We also conclude that in Agg-GNNs the selectivity of the mapping operators is tied to the properties of the filters only in the first layer of the CNN stage.

Stability of Neural Networks on Manifolds to Relative Perturbations

no code implementations10 Oct 2021 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

Hence, in this paper, we analyze the stability properties of convolutional neural networks on manifolds to understand the stability of GNNs on large graphs.

Learning Decentralized Wireless Resource Allocations with Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations3 Jul 2021 Zhiyang Wang, Mark Eisen, Alejandro Ribeiro

We consider the broad class of decentralized optimal resource allocation problems in wireless networks, which can be formulated as a constrained statistical learning problems with a localized information structure.

Stability to Deformations of Manifold Filters and Manifold Neural Networks

no code implementations7 Jun 2021 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

The most important practical consequence of this analysis is to shed light on the behavior of graph filters and GNNs in large-scale graphs.

A Combination 5-DOF Active Magnetic Bearing For Energy Storage Flywheel

no code implementations14 Mar 2021 Xiaojun Li, Alan Palazzolo, Zhiyang Wang

The finite element method (FEM) is too computationally intensive for early-stage analysis.

Stability of Neural Networks on Riemannian Manifolds

no code implementations3 Mar 2021 Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro

We further construct a manifold neural network architecture with these filters.

Unsupervised Learning for Asynchronous Resource Allocation in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks

no code implementations5 Nov 2020 Zhiyang Wang, Mark Eisen, Alejandro Ribeiro

We capture the asynchrony by modeling the activation pattern as a characteristic of each node and train a policy-based resource allocation method.

Graph and graphon neural network stability

no code implementations23 Oct 2020 Luana Ruiz, Zhiyang Wang, Alejandro Ribeiro

We then extend this analysis by interpreting the graphon neural network as a generating model for GNNs on deterministic and stochastic graphs instantiated from the original and perturbed graphons.

Movie Recommendation

Learning for Dose Allocation in Adaptive Clinical Trials with Safety Constraints

no code implementations ICML 2020 Cong Shen, Zhiyang Wang, Sofia S. Villar, Mihaela van der Schaar

Phase I dose-finding trials are increasingly challenging as the relationship between efficacy and toxicity of new compounds (or combination of them) becomes more complex.

Regional Multi-Armed Bandits

no code implementations22 Feb 2018 Zhiyang Wang, Ruida Zhou, Cong Shen

We consider a variant of the classic multi-armed bandit problem where the expected reward of each arm is a function of an unknown parameter.

Multi-Armed Bandits

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