Search Results for author: Zhong Cao

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Dynamically Conservative Self-Driving Planner for Long-Tail Cases

no code implementations12 May 2023 Weitao Zhou, Zhong Cao, Nanshan Deng, Xiaoyu Liu, Kun Jiang, Diange Yang

In this way, the DCP is designed to automatically adjust to be more conservative in low-confidence "long-tail" cases while keeping efficient otherwise.

Privacy of Autonomous Vehicles: Risks, Protection Methods, and Future Directions

no code implementations8 Sep 2022 Chulin Xie, Zhong Cao, Yunhui Long, Diange Yang, Ding Zhao, Bo Li

However, training AVs usually requires a large amount of training data collected from different driving environments (e. g., cities) as well as different types of personal information (e. g., working hours and routes).

Autonomous Vehicles

Long-Tail Prediction Uncertainty Aware Trajectory Planning for Self-driving Vehicles

no code implementations2 Jul 2022 Weitao Zhou, Zhong Cao, Yunkang Xu, Nanshan Deng, Xiaoyu Liu, Kun Jiang, Diange Yang

To this end, this work proposes a trajectory planner to consider the prediction model uncertainty arising from insufficient data for safer performance.

Autonomous Driving Trajectory Planning

Multi-Agent Vulnerability Discovery for Autonomous Driving with Hazard Arbitration Reward

no code implementations12 Dec 2021 Weilin Liu, Ye Mu, Chao Yu, Xuefei Ning, Zhong Cao, Yi Wu, Shuang Liang, Huazhong Yang, Yu Wang

These scenarios indeed correspond to the vulnerabilities of the under-test driving policies, thus are meaningful for their further improvements.

Autonomous Driving Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Sill-Net: Feature Augmentation with Separated Illumination Representation

1 code implementation6 Feb 2021 Haipeng Zhang, Zhong Cao, Ziang Yan, ChangShui Zhang

For visual object recognition tasks, the illumination variations can cause distinct changes in object appearance and thus confuse the deep neural network based recognition models.

Few-Shot Image Classification Object +2

Driving-Policy Adaptive Safeguard for Autonomous Vehicles Using Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations2 Dec 2020 Zhong Cao, Shaobing Xu, Songan Zhang, Huei Peng, Diange Yang

This paper proposes a driving-policy adaptive safeguard (DPAS) design, including a collision avoidance strategy and an activation function.

Autonomous Vehicles Collision Avoidance +3

Learning Fast Approximations of Sparse Nonlinear Regression

1 code implementation26 Oct 2020 Yuhai Song, Zhong Cao, Kailun Wu, Ziang Yan, ChangShui Zhang

The idea of unfolding iterative algorithms as deep neural networks has been widely applied in solving sparse coding problems, providing both solid theoretical analysis in convergence rate and superior empirical performance.


Monocular Depth Prediction through Continuous 3D Loss

2 code implementations21 Mar 2020 Minghan Zhu, Maani Ghaffari, Yuanxin Zhong, Pingping Lu, Zhong Cao, Ryan M. Eustice, Huei Peng

In contrast to the current point-to-point loss evaluation approach, the proposed 3D loss treats point clouds as continuous objects; therefore, it compensates for the lack of dense ground truth depth due to LIDAR's sparsity measurements.

Depth Estimation Depth Prediction

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