Search Results for author: Zhongzhou Zhang

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Personalized Forgetting Mechanism with Concept-Driven Knowledge Tracing

no code implementations18 Apr 2024 Shanshan Wang, Ying Hu, Xun Yang, Zhongzhou Zhang, Keyang Wang, Xingyi Zhang

To address these problems, we propose a Concept-driven Personalized Forgetting knowledge tracing model (CPF) which integrates hierarchical relationships between knowledge concepts and incorporates students' personalized cognitive abilities.

Knowledge Tracing

LDP-Net: An Unsupervised Pansharpening Network Based on Learnable Degradation Processes

no code implementations24 Nov 2021 Jiahui Ni, Zhimin Shao, Zhongzhou Zhang, Mingzheng Hou, Jiliu Zhou, Leyuan Fang, Yi Zhang

In addition, a novel hybrid loss function is proposed to constrain both spatial and spectral consistency between the pansharpened image and the PAN and LRMS images at different resolutions.


Domain Adaptive SiamRPN++ for Object Tracking in the Wild

no code implementations15 Jun 2021 Zhongzhou Zhang, Lei Zhang

The SDA module aligns the feature representations of the tracking target's appearance to eliminate the semantic-level domain shift.

Domain Adaptation Object +5

Hard Negative Samples Emphasis Tracker without Anchors

no code implementations8 Aug 2020 Zhongzhou Zhang, Lei Zhang

Trackers based on Siamese network have shown tremendous success, because of their balance between accuracy and speed.

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