Search Results for author: Zhouwang Yang

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Are AI-Generated Text Detectors Robust to Adversarial Perturbations?

1 code implementation3 Jun 2024 Guanhua Huang, Yuchen Zhang, Zhe Li, Yongjian You, Mingze Wang, Zhouwang Yang

The SCRN employs a reconstruction network to add and remove noise from text, extracting a semantic representation that is robust to local perturbations.

Use square root affinity to regress labels in semantic segmentation

no code implementations7 Mar 2021 Lumeng Cao, Zhouwang Yang

Specifically, we utilize the label to generate a multi-scale label affinity matrix as a structural supervision, and we use a square root kernel to compute a non-local affinity matrix on output layers.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Multi-Instance Learning by Utilizing Structural Relationship among Instances

no code implementations3 Feb 2021 Yangling Ma, Zhouwang Yang

Multi-Instance Learning(MIL) aims to learn the mapping between a bag of instances and the bag-level label.

Graph Attention Image Classification +1

A Group Norm Regularized Factorization Model for Subspace Segmentation

no code implementations8 Jan 2020 Xishun Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Xingye Yue, Hui Wang

Subspace segmentation assumes that data comes from the union of different subspaces and the purpose of segmentation is to partition the data into the corresponding subspace.

Clustering Graph Clustering +1

A Uniform Generalization Error Bound for Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Hao Chen, Zhanfeng Mo, Qingyi Gao, Zhouwang Yang, Xiao Wang

To better understand the unsupervised model, GANs, we establish the generalization bound, which uniformly holds with respect to the choice of generators.

Generalization Bounds

DG-GAN: the GAN with the duality gap

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Cheng Peng, Hao Wang, Xiao Wang, Zhouwang Yang

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are powerful, but difficult to understand and train because GANs is a min-max problem.

Geometric Operator Convolutional Neural Network

no code implementations4 Sep 2018 Yangling Ma, Yixin Luo, Zhouwang Yang

The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been successfully applied in many fields during recent decades; however it lacks the ability to utilize prior domain knowledge when dealing with many realistic problems.

Video-based Person Re-identification via 3D Convolutional Networks and Non-local Attention

no code implementations12 Jul 2018 Xingyu Liao, Lingxiao He, Zhouwang Yang, Chi Zhang

Video-based person re-identification (ReID) is a challenging problem, where some video tracks of people across non-overlapping cameras are available for matching.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization +1

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