Search Results for author: Zhouyi Li

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

FilmAgent: A Multi-Agent Framework for End-to-End Film Automation in Virtual 3D Spaces

no code implementations22 Jan 2025 Zhenran Xu, Longyue Wang, Jifang Wang, Zhouyi Li, Senbao Shi, Xue Yang, Yiyu Wang, Baotian Hu, Jun Yu, Min Zhang

Virtual film production requires intricate decision-making processes, including scriptwriting, virtual cinematography, and precise actor positioning and actions.

Decision Making

Language as Reality: A Co-Creative Storytelling Game Experience in 1001 Nights using Generative AI

no code implementations24 Aug 2023 Yuqian Sun, Zhouyi Li, Ke Fang, Chang Hee Lee, Ali Asadipour

We focus on Shahrzad, who seeks to alter her fate compared to the original folklore, and the player, who collaborates with AI to craft narratives and shape the game world.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

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