Search Results for author: Zhuojun Li

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

PoseAugment: Generative Human Pose Data Augmentation with Physical Plausibility for IMU-based Motion Capture

1 code implementation21 Sep 2024 Zhuojun Li, Chun Yu, Chen Liang, Yuanchun Shi

However, effective data augmentation for IMU-based motion capture is challenging, since it has to capture the physical relations and constraints of the human body, while maintaining the data distribution and quality.

Data Augmentation Diversity

Both Matter: Enhancing the Emotional Intelligence of Large Language Models without Compromising the General Intelligence

1 code implementation15 Feb 2024 Weixiang Zhao, Zhuojun Li, Shilong Wang, Yang Wang, Yulin Hu, Yanyan Zhao, Chen Wei, Bing Qin

Emotional Intelligence (EI), consisting of emotion perception, emotion cognition and emotion expression, plays the critical roles in improving user interaction experience for the current large language model (LLM) based conversational general AI assistants.

Emotional Intelligence Language Modelling +1

Knowledge-Bridged Causal Interaction Network for Causal Emotion Entailment

1 code implementation6 Dec 2022 Weixiang Zhao, Yanyan Zhao, Zhuojun Li, Bing Qin

Moreover, social-interaction CSK serves as emotion-level bridge (E-bridge) and action-level bridge (A-bridge) to connect candidate utterances with the target one, which provides explicit causal clues for the Emotional Interaction module and Actional Interaction module to reason the target emotion.

Causal Emotion Entailment Graph Attention

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