Search Results for author: Zhuowei Wang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

FedNoiL: A Simple Two-Level Sampling Method for Federated Learning with Noisy Labels

no code implementations20 May 2022 Zhuowei Wang, Tianyi Zhou, Guodong Long, Bo Han, Jing Jiang

Federated learning (FL) aims at training a global model on the server side while the training data are collected and located at the local devices.

Federated Learning Learning with noisy labels

SemiNLL: A Framework of Noisy-Label Learning by Semi-Supervised Learning

no code implementations2 Dec 2020 Zhuowei Wang, Jing Jiang, Bo Han, Lei Feng, Bo An, Gang Niu, Guodong Long

We also instantiate our framework with different combinations, which set the new state of the art on benchmark-simulated and real-world datasets with noisy labels.

Learning with noisy labels

Confusable Learning for Large-class Few-Shot Classification

no code implementations6 Nov 2020 Bingcong Li, Bo Han, Zhuowei Wang, Jing Jiang, Guodong Long

Specifically, our method maintains a dynamically updating confusion matrix, which analyzes confusable classes in the dataset.

Classification Few-Shot Image Classification +2

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