Search Results for author: ZiHao Zhou

Found 28 papers, 13 papers with code

Federated Temporal Graph Clustering

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Yang Liu, ZiHao Zhou, Xianghong Xu, Qian Li

Temporal graph clustering is a complex task that involves discovering meaningful structures in dynamic graphs where relationships and entities change over time.

Clustering Graph Clustering

Can LLMs Understand Time Series Anomalies?

1 code implementation7 Oct 2024 ZiHao Zhou, Rose Yu

Inspired by conjectures about LLMs' behavior from time series forecasting research, we formulate key hypotheses about LLMs' capabilities in time series anomaly detection.

Anomaly Detection Time Series +2

Back to Bayesics: Uncovering Human Mobility Distributions and Anomalies with an Integrated Statistical and Neural Framework

no code implementations1 Oct 2024 Minxuan Duan, Yinlong Qian, Lingyi Zhao, ZiHao Zhou, Zeeshan Rasheed, Rose Yu, Khurram Shafique

Existing methods for anomaly detection often fall short due to their inability to handle the complexity, heterogeneity, and high dimensionality inherent in real-world mobility data.

Anomaly Detection

PSFHS Challenge Report: Pubic Symphysis and Fetal Head Segmentation from Intrapartum Ultrasound Images

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Jieyun Bai, ZiHao Zhou, Zhanhong Ou, Gregor Koehler, Raphael Stock, Klaus Maier-Hein, Marawan Elbatel, Robert Martí, Xiaomeng Li, Yaoyang Qiu, Panjie Gou, Gongping Chen, Lei Zhao, Jianxun Zhang, Yu Dai, Fangyijie Wang, Guénolé Silvestre, Kathleen Curran, Hongkun Sun, Jing Xu, Pengzhou Cai, Lu Jiang, Libin Lan, Dong Ni, Mei Zhong, Gaowen Chen, Víctor M. Campello, Yaosheng Lu, Karim Lekadir

This challenge aimed to enhance the development of automatic segmentation algorithms at an international scale, providing the largest dataset to date with 5, 101 intrapartum ultrasound images collected from two ultrasound machines across three hospitals from two institutions.


Uncertainty is Fragile: Manipulating Uncertainty in Large Language Models

2 code implementations15 Jul 2024 Qingcheng Zeng, Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Zhenting Wang, Wenyue Hua, ZiHao Zhou, Guangyan Sun, Yanda Meng, Shiqing Ma, Qifan Wang, Felix Juefei-Xu, Kaize Ding, Fan Yang, Ruixiang Tang, Yongfeng Zhang

We demonstrate that an attacker can embed a backdoor in LLMs, which, when activated by a specific trigger in the input, manipulates the model's uncertainty without affecting the final output.

Backdoor Attack Multiple-choice

Learning operando impedance function for battery health with aging-aware equivalent circuit model

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 ZiHao Zhou, Antti Aitio, David Howey

The wide usage of Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) requires a deep understanding about battery health.

Towards Real-World HDR Video Reconstruction: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset and A Two-Stage Alignment Network

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yong Shu, Liquan Shen, Xiangyu Hu, Mengyao Li, ZiHao Zhou

In this work, to facilitate the development of real-world HDR video reconstruction, we present Real-HDRV, a large-scale real-world benchmark dataset for HDR video reconstruction, featuring various scenes, diverse motion patterns, and high-quality labels.

Video Reconstruction

AttackEval: How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Jailbreak Attacking on Large Language Models

no code implementations17 Jan 2024 Dong Shu, Mingyu Jin, Chong Zhang, Liangyao Li, ZiHao Zhou, Yongfeng Zhang

To deal with such risks, we introduce an innovative framework that can help evaluate the effectiveness of jailbreak attacks on LLMs.

Large Language Model as a Policy Teacher for Training Reinforcement Learning Agents

1 code implementation22 Nov 2023 ZiHao Zhou, Bin Hu, Chenyang Zhao, Pu Zhang, Bin Liu

By incorporating the guidance from the teacher agent, the student agent can distill the prior knowledge of the LLM into its own model.

Decision Making Language Modelling +3

Automatic Integration for Spatiotemporal Neural Point Processes

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 ZiHao Zhou, Rose Yu

In this paper, we introduce a novel paradigm: AutoSTPP (Automatic Integration for Spatiotemporal Neural Point Processes) that extends the dual network approach to 3D STPP.

Point Processes

MathAttack: Attacking Large Language Models Towards Math Solving Ability

no code implementations4 Sep 2023 ZiHao Zhou, Qiufeng Wang, Mingyu Jin, Jie Yao, Jianan Ye, Wei Liu, Wei Wang, Xiaowei Huang, Kaizhu Huang

Instead of attacking prompts in the use of LLMs, we propose a MathAttack model to attack MWP samples which are closer to the essence of security in solving math problems.

Adversarial Attack GSM8K +1

Solving Math Word Problem with Problem Type Classification

1 code implementation26 Aug 2023 Jie Yao, ZiHao Zhou, Qiufeng Wang

Firstly, We propose a problem type classifier that combines the strengths of the tree-based solver and the LLM solver.

Answer Selection Classification +4

Predicting Battery Lifetime Under Varying Usage Conditions from Early Aging Data

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Tingkai Li, ZiHao Zhou, Adam Thelen, David Howey, Chao Hu

Using a newly generated dataset from 225 nickel-manganese-cobalt/graphite Li-ion cells aged under a wide range of conditions, we demonstrate a lifetime prediction of in-distribution cells with 15. 1% mean absolute percentage error using no more than the first 15% of data, for most cells.

Feature Engineering

Learning by Analogy: Diverse Questions Generation in Math Word Problem

1 code implementation15 Jun 2023 ZiHao Zhou, Maizhen Ning, Qiufeng Wang, Jie Yao, Wei Wang, Xiaowei Huang, Kaizhu Huang

We then feed them to a question generator together with the scenario to obtain the corresponding diverse questions, forming a new MWP with a variety of questions and equations.


Enabling Intelligent Interactions between an Agent and an LLM: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

1 code implementation6 Jun 2023 Bin Hu, Chenyang Zhao, Pu Zhang, ZiHao Zhou, Yuanhang Yang, Zenglin Xu, Bin Liu

We find that this problem can be naturally formulated by a Markov decision process (MDP), and propose When2Ask, a reinforcement learning based approach that learns when it is necessary to query LLMs for high-level instructions to accomplish a target task.

Decision Making Sequential Decision Making +1

On Context Distribution Shift in Task Representation Learning for Offline Meta RL

1 code implementation1 Apr 2023 Chenyang Zhao, ZiHao Zhou, Bin Liu

Offline Meta Reinforcement Learning (OMRL) aims to learn transferable knowledge from offline datasets to enhance the learning process for new target tasks.

continuous-control Continuous Control +5

Bayesian hierarchical modelling for battery lifetime early prediction

no code implementations10 Nov 2022 ZiHao Zhou, David A. Howey

Here, a hierarchical Bayesian linear model is proposed for battery life prediction, combining both individual cell features (reflecting manufacturing variability) with population-wide features (reflecting the impact of cycling conditions on the population average).


Towards Efficient and Stable K-Asynchronous Federated Learning with Unbounded Stale Gradients on Non-IID Data

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 ZiHao Zhou, Yanan Li, Xuebin Ren, Shusen Yang

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging privacy-preserving paradigm that enables multiple participants collaboratively to train a global model without uploading raw data.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Efficient demodulation scheme for multilevel modulation based optical camera communication

no code implementations15 Jan 2022 ZiHao Zhou, Maolin Li, Weipeng Guan

We proposed and experimentally demonstrated a new hybrid code structure based on the overlapping of two light sources to produce the effect of multi-voltage amplitudes.

Neural Point Process for Learning Spatiotemporal Event Dynamics

1 code implementation12 Dec 2021 ZiHao Zhou, Xingyi Yang, Ryan Rossi, Handong Zhao, Rose Yu

The key construction of our approach is the nonparametric space-time intensity function, governed by a latent process.

Point Processes Variational Inference

Multi-Frequency Wireless Channel Measurements and Characteristics Analysis in Indoor Corridor Scenarios

no code implementations14 Aug 2021 ZiHao Zhou, Li Zhang, Xinyue Chen, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Jie Huang

In this paper, we conduct wireless channel measurements in indoor corridor scenarios at 2. 4, 5 and 6 GHz bands with bandwidth of 320 MHz.

Neural Point Process for Forecasting Spatiotemporal Events

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 ZiHao Zhou, Xingyi Yang, Xinyi He, Ryan Rossi, Handong Zhao, Rose Yu

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first neural point process model that can jointly predict both the space and time of events.

Density Estimation Point Processes

Recognition and evaluation of constellation diagram using deep learning based on underwater wireless optical communication

no code implementations12 Jul 2020 ZiHao Zhou, Weipeng Guan, ShangSheng Wen

More specifically, an constellation diagram analyzer for UWOC system based on convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed for modulation format recognition (MFR), optical signal noise ratio (OSNR) and phase error estimation.

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