Search Results for author: ZiMing Wang

Found 22 papers, 10 papers with code

Fixed-relative-switch strategies for learning based event-triggered control of nonlinear multiagent systems

no code implementations29 Nov 2024 ZiMing Wang, Yun Gao, Apostolos I. Rikos, Xin Wang, Yiding Ji

This paper investigates event-triggered control for consensus tracking in nonlinear semi-strict-feedback multi-agent systems (MASs) with unknown states and subject to disturbances.

Enhancing Autonomous Driving Safety through World Model-Based Predictive Navigation and Adaptive Learning Algorithms for 5G Wireless Applications

no code implementations22 Nov 2024 Hong Ding, ZiMing Wang, Yi Ding, Hongjie Lin, SuYang Xi, Chia Chao Kang

Addressing the challenge of ensuring safety in ever-changing and unpredictable environments, particularly in the swiftly advancing realm of autonomous driving in today's 5G wireless communication world, we present Navigation Secure (NavSecure).

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +1

Rethinking Structure Learning For Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations12 Nov 2024 Yilun Zheng, Zhuofan Zhang, ZiMing Wang, Xiang Li, Sitao Luan, Xiaojiang Peng, Lihui Chen

Surprisingly, our empirical observations and theoretical analysis show that no matter which type of graph structure construction methods are used, after feeding the same GSL bases to the newly constructed graph, there is no MI gain compared to the original GSL bases.

Graph structure learning

SE(3)-bi-equivariant Transformers for Point Cloud Assembly

1 code implementation12 Jul 2024 ZiMing Wang, Rebecka Jörnsten

Given a pair of point clouds, the goal of assembly is to recover a rigid transformation that aligns one point cloud to the other.

Disentangling Heterogeneous Knowledge Concept Embedding for Cognitive Diagnosis on Untested Knowledge

1 code implementation25 May 2024 Miao Zhang, ZiMing Wang, Runtian Xing, Kui Xiao, Zhifei Li, Yan Zhang, Chang Tang

Finally, the embeddings will be applied to multiple existing cognitive diagnosis models to infer students' proficiency on UKCs.

cognitive diagnosis

Hybrid Event-triggered Control of Nonlinear System with Full State Constraints and Disturbance

no code implementations22 May 2024 ZiMing Wang

This article focuses on the problem of adaptive tracking control for a specific type of nonlinear system that is subject to full-state constraints via a hybrid event-triggered control (HETC) strategy.

Potential and Limitations of LLMs in Capturing Structured Semantics: A Case Study on SRL

no code implementations10 May 2024 Ning Cheng, Zhaohui Yan, ZiMing Wang, Zhijie Li, Jiaming Yu, Zilong Zheng, Kewei Tu, Jinan Xu, Wenjuan Han

Large Language Models (LLMs) play a crucial role in capturing structured semantics to enhance language understanding, improve interpretability, and reduce bias.

Semantic Role Labeling

GRSN: Gated Recurrent Spiking Neurons for POMDPs and MARL

no code implementations24 Apr 2024 Lang Qin, ZiMing Wang, Runhao Jiang, Rui Yan, Huajin Tang

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are widely applied in various fields due to their energy-efficient and fast-inference capabilities.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Procedural Fairness in Machine Learning

1 code implementation2 Apr 2024 ZiMing Wang, Changwu Huang, Xin Yao

We propose a novel metric to evaluate the group procedural fairness of ML models, called $GPF_{FAE}$, which utilizes a widely used explainable artificial intelligence technique, namely feature attribution explanation (FAE), to capture the decision process of the ML models.

Explainable artificial intelligence Fairness

EAS-SNN: End-to-End Adaptive Sampling and Representation for Event-based Detection with Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks

1 code implementation19 Mar 2024 ZiMing Wang, Ziling Wang, Huaning Li, Lang Qin, Runhao Jiang, De Ma, Huajin Tang

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which operate on an event-driven paradigm through sparse spike communication, emerge as a natural fit for addressing this challenge.

object-detection Object Detection

Get the Ball Rolling: Alerting Autonomous Robots When to Help to Close the Healthcare Loop

no code implementations5 Nov 2023 Jiaxin Shen, Yanyao Liu, ZiMing Wang, Ziyuan Jiao, Yufeng Chen, Wenjuan Han

To facilitate the advancement of research in healthcare robots without human intervention or commands, we introduce the Autonomous Helping Challenge, along with a crowd-sourcing large-scale dataset.

Qilin-Med-VL: Towards Chinese Large Vision-Language Model for General Healthcare

1 code implementation27 Oct 2023 Junling Liu, ZiMing Wang, Qichen Ye, Dading Chong, Peilin Zhou, Yining Hua

This method enhances the model's ability to generate medical captions and answer complex medical queries.

Language Modelling

Heterogeneous Generative Knowledge Distillation with Masked Image Modeling

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 ZiMing Wang, Shumin Han, Xiaodi Wang, Jing Hao, Xianbin Cao, Baochang Zhang

Masked image modeling (MIM) methods achieve great success in various visual tasks but remain largely unexplored in knowledge distillation for heterogeneous deep models.

Image Classification Knowledge Distillation +3

Neuromorphic Auditory Perception by Neural Spiketrum

no code implementations11 Sep 2023 Huajin Tang, Pengjie Gu, Jayawan Wijekoon, MHD Anas Alsakkal, ZiMing Wang, Jiangrong Shen, Rui Yan

Neuromorphic computing holds the promise to achieve the energy efficiency and robust learning performance of biological neural systems.

Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Material Handling

1 code implementation23 May 2023 Chengpeng Hu, ZiMing Wang, Jialin Liu, Junyi Wen, Bifei Mao, Xin Yao

Experimental results on the problem instances demonstrate the outstanding performance of our proposed approach compared with eight state-of-the-art constrained and non-constrained reinforcement learning algorithms, and widely used dispatching rules for material handling.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

USTC FLICAR: A Sensors Fusion Dataset of LiDAR-Inertial-Camera for Heavy-duty Autonomous Aerial Work Robots

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 ZiMing Wang, Yujiang Liu, Yifan Duan, Xingchen Li, Xinran Zhang, Jianmin Ji, Erbao Dong, Yanyong Zhang

In this paper, we present the USTC FLICAR Dataset, which is dedicated to the development of simultaneous localization and mapping and precise 3D reconstruction of the workspace for heavy-duty autonomous aerial work robots.

3D Reconstruction Autonomous Driving +2

Improving RGB-D Point Cloud Registration by Learning Multi-scale Local Linear Transformation

1 code implementation31 Aug 2022 ZiMing Wang, Xiaoliang Huo, Zhenghao Chen, Jing Zhang, Lu Sheng, Dong Xu

In addition to previous methods that seek correspondences by hand-crafted or learnt geometric features, recent point cloud registration methods have tried to apply RGB-D data to achieve more accurate correspondence.

Point Cloud Registration

Towards Lossless ANN-SNN Conversion under Ultra-Low Latency with Dual-Phase Optimization

1 code implementation16 May 2022 ZiMing Wang, Shuang Lian, Yuhao Zhang, Xiaoxin Cui, Rui Yan, Huajin Tang

By evaluating on challenging datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR- 100 and ImageNet, the proposed method demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy, latency and energy preservation.

object-detection Object Detection +1

An Efficient Multi-Indicator and Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm based on Two-Archive

no code implementations14 Jan 2022 ZiMing Wang, Xin Yao

We also analyzed how normalizing affected the indicator-based algorithm and observed that the normalized $I_{\epsilon+}$ indicator is better at finding extreme solutions and can reduce the influence of each objective's different extent of contribution to the indicator due to its different scope.

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