Search Results for author: Zifan Xu

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

The Essentials of AI for Life and Society: An AI Literacy Course for the University Community

no code implementations13 Jan 2025 Joydeep Biswas, Don Fussell, Peter Stone, Kristin Patterson, Kristen Procko, Lea Sabatini, Zifan Xu

We describe the development of a one-credit course to promote AI literacy at The University of Texas at Austin.

Grounded Curriculum Learning

no code implementations29 Sep 2024 Linji Wang, Zifan Xu, Peter Stone, Xuesu Xiao

The high cost of real-world data for robotics Reinforcement Learning (RL) leads to the wide usage of simulators.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Dexterous Legged Locomotion in Confined 3D Spaces with Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Zifan Xu, Amir Hossain Raj, Xuesu Xiao, Peter Stone

To address the inefficiency of tracking distant navigation goals, we introduce a hierarchical locomotion controller that combines a classical planner tasked with planning waypoints to reach a faraway global goal location, and an RL-based policy trained to follow these waypoints by generating low-level motion commands.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Navigate +2

Sample Efficient Myopic Exploration Through Multitask Reinforcement Learning with Diverse Tasks

no code implementations3 Mar 2024 Ziping Xu, Zifan Xu, Runxuan Jiang, Peter Stone, Ambuj Tewari

Multitask Reinforcement Learning (MTRL) approaches have gained increasing attention for its wide applications in many important Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks.

Diversity reinforcement-learning +2

LaRS: Latent Reasoning Skills for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

no code implementations7 Dec 2023 Zifan Xu, Haozhu Wang, Dmitriy Bespalov, Xian Wu, Peter Stone, Yanjun Qi

Instead, this paper introduces a new approach named Latent Reasoning Skills (LaRS) that employs unsupervised learning to create a latent space representation of rationales, with a latent variable called a reasoning skill.

In-Context Learning Math

Causal Dynamics Learning for Task-Independent State Abstraction

1 code implementation27 Jun 2022 Zizhao Wang, Xuesu Xiao, Zifan Xu, Yuke Zhu, Peter Stone

Learning dynamics models accurately is an important goal for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL), but most MBRL methods learn a dense dynamics model which is vulnerable to spurious correlations and therefore generalizes poorly to unseen states.

Model-based Reinforcement Learning

A Scavenger Hunt for Service Robots

1 code implementation9 Mar 2021 Harel Yedidsion, Jennifer Suriadinata, Zifan Xu, Stefan Debruyn, Peter Stone

In this problem, the goal is to find a set of objects as quickly as possible, given probability distributions of where they may be found.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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