Search Results for author: Zihuai Zhao

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

TokenRec: Learning to Tokenize ID for LLM-based Generative Recommendation

no code implementations15 Jun 2024 Haohao Qu, Wenqi Fan, Zihuai Zhao, Qing Li

There is a growing interest in utilizing large-scale language models (LLMs) to advance next-generation Recommender Systems (RecSys), driven by their outstanding language understanding and in-context learning capabilities.

Collaborative Filtering In-Context Learning +2

Deep Learning for Wireless Networked Systems: a joint Estimation-Control-Scheduling Approach

no code implementations3 Oct 2022 Zihuai Zhao, Wanchun Liu, Daniel E. Quevedo, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic

Wireless networked control system (WNCS) connecting sensors, controllers, and actuators via wireless communications is a key enabling technology for highly scalable and low-cost deployment of control systems in the Industry 4. 0 era.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheduling

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