Search Results for author: Zihui Lin

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

SMPLOlympics: Sports Environments for Physically Simulated Humanoids

no code implementations28 Jun 2024 Zhengyi Luo, Jiashun Wang, Kangni Liu, Haotian Zhang, Chen Tessler, Jingbo Wang, Ye Yuan, Jinkun Cao, Zihui Lin, Fengyi Wang, Jessica Hodgins, Kris Kitani

We present SMPLOlympics, a collection of physically simulated environments that allow humanoids to compete in a variety of Olympic sports.

Modeling and Analysis on Efficiency Degradation of Lithium-ion Batteries

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Zihui Lin, Dagang Li

The purpose of this study is to propose the State of Efficiency (SOE) as a measure of how efficiently batteries transfer energy, and to analyze what factors affect the SOE of a battery throughout its lifetime.


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