Search Results for author: Ziling Huang

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

FedDRL: A Trustworthy Federated Learning Model Fusion Method Based on Staged Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Leiming Chen, Weishan Zhang, Cihao Dong, Sibo Qiao, Ziling Huang, Yuming Nie, Zhaoxiang Hou, Chee Wei Tan

Traditional federated learning uses the number of samples to calculate the weights of each client model and uses this fixed weight value to fusion the global model.

Federated Learning

DLRover-RM: Resource Optimization for Deep Recommendation Models Training in the Cloud

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Qinlong Wang, Tingfeng Lan, Yinghao Tang, Ziling Huang, Yiheng Du, HaiTao Zhang, Jian Sha, Hui Lu, Yuanchun Zhou, Ke Zhang, Mingjie Tang

To overcome them, we introduce DLRover-RM, an elastic training framework for DLRMs designed to increase resource utilization and handle the instability of a cloud environment.


DotSCN: Group Re-identification via Domain-Transferred Single and Couple Representation Learning

no code implementations13 May 2019 Ziling Huang, Zheng Wang, Chung-Chi Tsai, Shin'ichi Satoh, Chia-Wen Lin

To gain the superiority of deep learning models, we treat a group as multiple persons and transfer the domain of a labeled ReID dataset to a G-ReID target dataset style to learn single representations.

Person Re-Identification Representation Learning

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