Search Results for author: Ziqi Zhang

Found 56 papers, 19 papers with code

Enhancing Recommendation Systems with GNNs and Addressing Over-Smoothing

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Wenyi Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Xinshi Li, Jiacheng Hu, Yuanshuai Luo, Junliang Du

This paper addresses key challenges in enhancing recommendation systems by leveraging Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and addressing inherent limitations such as over-smoothing, which reduces model effectiveness as network hierarchy deepens.

Collaborative Filtering Explainable Recommendation +1

An Automated Data Mining Framework Using Autoencoders for Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction

no code implementations3 Dec 2024 Yaxin Liang, Xinshi Li, Xin Huang, Ziqi Zhang, Yue Yao

This study proposes an automated data mining framework based on autoencoders and experimentally verifies its effectiveness in feature extraction and data dimensionality reduction.

Anomaly Detection Decision Making +3

RS-vHeat: Heat Conduction Guided Efficient Remote Sensing Foundation Model

no code implementations27 Nov 2024 Huiyang Hu, Peijin Wang, Hanbo Bi, Boyuan Tong, Zhaozhi Wang, Wenhui Diao, Hao Chang, Yingchao Feng, Ziqi Zhang, Qixiang Ye, Kun fu, Xian Sun

Remote sensing foundation models largely break away from the traditional paradigm of designing task-specific models, offering greater scalability across multiple tasks.

Computational Efficiency

mR$^2$AG: Multimodal Retrieval-Reflection-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Based VQA

no code implementations22 Nov 2024 Tao Zhang, Ziqi Zhang, Zongyang Ma, Yuxin Chen, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Bing Li, Junfu Pu, Yuxuan Zhao, Zehua Xie, Jin Ma, Ying Shan, Weiming Hu

Thus, multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Generation (mRAG) is naturally introduced to provide MLLMs with comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge, effectively expanding the knowledge scope.

RAG Retrieval +1

TEESlice: Protecting Sensitive Neural Network Models in Trusted Execution Environments When Attackers have Pre-Trained Models

no code implementations15 Nov 2024 Ding Li, Ziqi Zhang, Mengyu Yao, Yifeng Cai, Yao Guo, Xiangqun Chen

Our approach can compress the private functionalities of the large language model to lightweight slices and achieve the same level of protection as the shielding-whole-model baseline.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Optical Lens Attack on Monocular Depth Estimation for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations31 Oct 2024 Ce Zhou, Qiben Yan, Daniel Kent, Guangjing Wang, Weikang Ding, Ziqi Zhang, Hayder Radha

Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE) is a pivotal component of vision-based Autonomous Driving (AD) systems, enabling vehicles to estimate the depth of surrounding objects using a single camera image.

Autonomous Driving Monocular Depth Estimation

EA-VTR: Event-Aware Video-Text Retrieval

no code implementations10 Jul 2024 Zongyang Ma, Ziqi Zhang, Yuxin Chen, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Bing Li, Yingmin Luo, Xu Li, Xiaojuan Qi, Ying Shan, Weiming Hu

EA-VTR can efficiently encode frame-level and video-level visual representations simultaneously, enabling detailed event content and complex event temporal cross-modal alignment, ultimately enhancing the comprehensive understanding of video events.

Action Recognition Contrastive Learning +6

How to Make Cross Encoder a Good Teacher for Efficient Image-Text Retrieval?

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Yuxin Chen, Zongyang Ma, Ziqi Zhang, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Bing Li, Junfu Pu, Ying Shan, Xiaojuan Qi, Weiming Hu

Dominant dual-encoder models enable efficient image-text retrieval but suffer from limited accuracy while the cross-encoder models offer higher accuracy at the expense of efficiency.

Contrastive Learning Image-text Retrieval +3

Nash CoT: Multi-Path Inference with Preference Equilibrium

1 code implementation18 Jun 2024 Ziqi Zhang, Cunxiang Wang, Xiong Xiao, Yue Zhang, Donglin Wang

However, placing LLMs into specific roles may reduce their reasoning diversity and performance on a few tasks where role dependence is low.

Diversity Question Answering

Imitating from auxiliary imperfect demonstrations via Adversarial Density Weighted Regression

no code implementations28 May 2024 Ziqi Zhang, Zifeng Zhuang, Jingzehua Xu, Yiyuan Yang, Yubo Huang, Donglin Wang, Shuai Zhang

Specifically, ADR addresses several limitations in previous IL algorithms: First, most IL algorithms are based on the Bellman operator, which inevitably suffer from cumulative offsets from sub-optimal rewards during multi-step update processes.

Imitation Learning Q-Learning +2

Reinformer: Max-Return Sequence Modeling for Offline RL

1 code implementation14 May 2024 Zifeng Zhuang, Dengyun Peng, Jinxin Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Donglin Wang

In this work, we introduce the concept of max-return sequence modeling which integrates the goal of maximizing returns into existing sequence models.

D4RL Offline RL +1

Towards Scalability and Extensibility of Query Reformulation Modeling in E-commerce Search

no code implementations17 Feb 2024 Ziqi Zhang, Yupin Huang, Quan Deng, Jinghui Xiao, Vivek Mittal, Jingyuan Deng

Notably, employing the proposed solution in search ranking resulted in 0. 14% and 0. 29% increase in overall revenue in Japanese and Hindi cases, respectively, and a 0. 08% incremental gain in the English case compared to the legacy implementation; while in search Ads matching led to a 0. 36% increase in Ads revenue in the Japanese case.

Context-Former: Stitching via Latent Conditioned Sequence Modeling

no code implementations29 Jan 2024 Ziqi Zhang, Jingzehua Xu, Jinxin Liu, Zifeng Zhuang, Donglin Wang, Miao Liu, Shuai Zhang

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can learn better decision-making compared to behavior policies by stitching the suboptimal trajectories to derive more optimal ones.

D4RL Imitation Learning +2

NFT1000: A Cross-Modal Dataset for Non-Fungible Token Retrieval

1 code implementation29 Jan 2024 Shuxun Wang, Yunfei Lei, Ziqi Zhang, Wei Liu, Haowei Liu, Li Yang, Wenjuan Li, Bing Li, Weiming Hu

In this paper, we will introduce a benchmark dataset named "NFT Top1000 Visual-Text Dataset" (NFT1000), containing 7. 56 million image-text pairs, and being collected from 1000 most famous PFP1 NFT collections2 by sales volume on the Ethereum blockchain.


Set Prediction Guided by Semantic Concepts for Diverse Video Captioning

no code implementations25 Dec 2023 Yifan Lu, Ziqi Zhang, Chunfeng Yuan, Peng Li, Yan Wang, Bing Li, Weiming Hu

Each caption in the set is attached to a concept combination indicating the primary semantic content of the caption and facilitating element alignment in set prediction.

Caption Generation Diversity +1

A dynamical clipping approach with task feedback for Proximal Policy Optimization

1 code implementation12 Dec 2023 Ziqi Zhang, Jingzehua Xu, Zifeng Zhuang, Hongyin Zhang, Jinxin Liu, Donglin Wang, Shuai Zhang

Unlike previous clipping approaches, we propose a bi-level proximal policy optimization objective that can dynamically adjust the clipping bound to better reflect the preference (maximizing Return) of these RL tasks.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

No Privacy Left Outside: On the (In-)Security of TEE-Shielded DNN Partition for On-Device ML

1 code implementation11 Oct 2023 Ziqi Zhang, Chen Gong, Yifeng Cai, Yuanyuan Yuan, Bingyan Liu, Ding Li, Yao Guo, Xiangqun Chen

These solutions, referred to as TEE-Shielded DNN Partition (TSDP), partition a DNN model into two parts, offloading the privacy-insensitive part to the GPU while shielding the privacy-sensitive part within the TEE.

Inference Attack Membership Inference Attack

Improving Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning with Q Conditioned State Entropy Exploration

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Ziqi Zhang, Xiao Xiong, Zifeng Zhuang, Jinxin Liu, Donglin Wang

Studying how to fine-tune offline reinforcement learning (RL) pre-trained policy is profoundly significant for enhancing the sample efficiency of RL algorithms.

Offline RL reinforcement-learning +1

The Barriers to Online Clothing Websites for Visually Impaired People: An Interview and Observation Approach to Understanding Needs

no code implementations19 May 2023 Amnah Alluqmani, Morgan Harvey, Ziqi Zhang

Visually impaired (VI) people often face challenges when performing everyday tasks and identify shopping for clothes as one of the most challenging.

Mining Healthcare Procurement Data Using Text Mining and Natural Language Processing -- Reflection From An Industrial Project

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Ziqi Zhang, Tomas Jasaitis, Richard Freeman, Rowida Alfrjani, Adam Funk

In this work, we describe an industry project that developed text mining and NLP solutions to mine millions of heterogeneous, multilingual procurement documents in the healthcare sector.

ViLEM: Visual-Language Error Modeling for Image-Text Retrieval

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yuxin Chen, Zongyang Ma, Ziqi Zhang, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Ying Shan, Bing Li, Weiming Hu, XiaoHu Qie, Jianping Wu

ViLEM then enforces the model to discriminate the correctness of each word in the plausible negative texts and further correct the wrong words via resorting to image information.

Contrastive Learning Image-text Retrieval +3

Decoupled Mixup for Generalized Visual Recognition

1 code implementation26 Oct 2022 Haozhe Liu, Wentian Zhang, Jinheng Xie, Haoqian Wu, Bing Li, Ziqi Zhang, Yuexiang Li, Yawen Huang, Bernard Ghanem, Yefeng Zheng

Since the observation is that noise-prone regions such as textural and clutter backgrounds are adverse to the generalization ability of CNN models during training, we enhance features from discriminative regions and suppress noise-prone ones when combining an image pair.

Can Offline Reinforcement Learning Help Natural Language Understanding?

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Ziqi Zhang, Yile Wang, Yue Zhang, Donglin Wang

Experimental results show that our RL pre-trained models can give close performance compared with the models using the LM training objective, showing that there exist common useful features across these two modalities.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +5

KSG: Knowledge and Skill Graph

no code implementations13 Sep 2022 Feng Zhao, Ziqi Zhang, Donglin Wang

This is the first study that we are aware of that looks into dynamic KSG for skill retrieval and learning.

Attribute Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

Distillation to Enhance the Portability of Risk Models Across Institutions with Large Patient Claims Database

no code implementations6 Jul 2022 Steve Nyemba, Chao Yan, Ziqi Zhang, Amol Rajmane, Pablo Meyer, Prithwish Chakraborty, Bradley Malin

We further show that the transfer learning approach based on the BAN produces models that are better than those trained on just a single institution's data.

Readmission Prediction Transfer Learning

CREATE: A Benchmark for Chinese Short Video Retrieval and Title Generation

no code implementations31 Mar 2022 Ziqi Zhang, Yuxin Chen, Zongyang Ma, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Bing Li, Ying Shan, Weiming Hu

In this paper, we propose to CREATE, the first large-scale Chinese shoRt vidEo retrievAl and Title gEneration benchmark, to facilitate research and application in video titling and video retrieval in Chinese.

Retrieval Video Captioning +1

DistFL: Distribution-aware Federated Learning for Mobile Scenarios

1 code implementation22 Oct 2021 Bingyan Liu, Yifeng Cai, Ziqi Zhang, Yuanchun Li, Leye Wang, Ding Li, Yao Guo, Xiangqun Chen

Previous studies focus on the "symptoms" directly, as they try to improve the accuracy or detect possible attacks by adding extra steps to conventional FL models.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Alleviating Noisy-label Effects in Image Classification via Probability Transition Matrix

no code implementations17 Oct 2021 Ziqi Zhang, Yuexiang Li, Hongxin Wei, Kai Ma, Tao Xu, Yefeng Zheng

The hard samples, which are beneficial for classifier learning, are often mistakenly treated as noises in such a setting since both the hard samples and ones with noisy labels lead to a relatively larger loss value than the easy cases.

Image Classification

Text-Driven Image Manipulation via Semantic-Aware Knowledge Transfer

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Ziqi Zhang, Cheng Deng, Kun Wei, Xu Yang

And on this basis, a novel attribute transfer method, named semantic directional decomposition network (SDD-Net), is proposed to achieve semantic-level facial attribute transfer by latent semantic direction decomposition, improving the interpretability and editability of our method.

Attribute Image Manipulation +1

SS-BERT: Mitigating Identity Terms Bias in Toxic Comment Classification by Utilising the Notion of "Subjectivity" and "Identity Terms"

no code implementations6 Sep 2021 Zhixue Zhao, Ziqi Zhang, Frank Hopfgartner

Toxic comment classification models are often found biased toward identity terms which are terms characterizing a specific group of people such as "Muslim" and "black".

Toxic Comment Classification

An Exploratory Study on Utilising the Web of Linked Data for Product Data Mining

no code implementations3 Sep 2021 Ziqi Zhang, Xingyi Song

We process billions of structured data points in the form of RDF n-quads, to create multi-million words of product-related corpora that are later used in three different ways for creating of language resources: training word embedding models, continued pre-training of BERT-like language models, and training Machine Translation models that are used as a proxy to generate product-related keywords.

Machine Translation Word Embeddings

ModelDiff: Testing-Based DNN Similarity Comparison for Model Reuse Detection

1 code implementation11 Jun 2021 Yuanchun Li, Ziqi Zhang, Bingyan Liu, Ziyue Yang, Yunxin Liu

The knowledge of a deep learning model may be transferred to a student model, leading to intellectual property infringement or vulnerability propagation.

Deep Learning Model Compression +1

PDNet: Toward Better One-Stage Object Detection With Prediction Decoupling

1 code implementation28 Apr 2021 Li Yang, Yan Xu, Shaoru Wang, Chunfeng Yuan, Ziqi Zhang, Bing Li, Weiming Hu

However, the most suitable positions for inferring different targets, i. e., the object category and boundaries, are generally different.

Object object-detection +1

Open-book Video Captioning with Retrieve-Copy-Generate Network

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Ziqi Zhang, Zhongang Qi, Chunfeng Yuan, Ying Shan, Bing Li, Ying Deng, Weiming Hu

Due to the rapid emergence of short videos and the requirement for content understanding and creation, the video captioning task has received increasing attention in recent years.

Decoder Retrieval +1

Depth Self-Optimized Learning Toward Data Science

1 code implementation2 Nov 2020 Ziqi Zhang

We propose a two-stage model called Depth Self-Optimized Learning (DSOL), which aims to realize ANN depth self-configuration, self-optimization as well as ANN training without manual intervention.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Backdoor Attack against Speaker Verification

1 code implementation22 Oct 2020 Tongqing Zhai, Yiming Li, Ziqi Zhang, Baoyuan Wu, Yong Jiang, Shu-Tao Xia

We also demonstrate that existing backdoor attacks cannot be directly adopted in attacking speaker verification.

Backdoor Attack Clustering +2

Open-sourced Dataset Protection via Backdoor Watermarking

2 code implementations12 Oct 2020 Yiming Li, Ziqi Zhang, Jiawang Bai, Baoyuan Wu, Yong Jiang, Shu-Tao Xia

Based on the proposed backdoor-based watermarking, we use a hypothesis test guided method for dataset verification based on the posterior probability generated by the suspicious third-party model of the benign samples and their correspondingly watermarked samples ($i. e.$, images with trigger) on the target class.

Image Classification

Understanding and Diagnosing Vulnerability under Adversarial Attacks

no code implementations17 Jul 2020 Haizhong Zheng, Ziqi Zhang, Honglak Lee, Atul Prakash

Moreover, we design the first diagnostic method to quantify the vulnerability contributed by each layer, which can be used to identify vulnerable parts of model architectures.

Classification General Classification

Adversarial Attacks on Monocular Depth Estimation

no code implementations23 Mar 2020 Ziqi Zhang, Xinge Zhu, Yingwei Li, Xiangqun Chen, Yao Guo

In order to understand the impact of adversarial attacks on depth estimation, we first define a taxonomy of different attack scenarios for depth estimation, including non-targeted attacks, targeted attacks and universal attacks.

Autonomous Driving Monocular Depth Estimation +3

Object Relational Graph with Teacher-Recommended Learning for Video Captioning

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Ziqi Zhang, Yaya Shi, Chunfeng Yuan, Bing Li, Peijin Wang, Weiming Hu, Zheng-Jun Zha

In this paper, we propose a complete video captioning system including both a novel model and an effective training strategy.

Ranked #9 on Video Captioning on VATEX (using extra training data)

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Efficient Adversarial Training with Transferable Adversarial Examples

2 code implementations CVPR 2020 Haizhong Zheng, Ziqi Zhang, Juncheng Gu, Honglak Lee, Atul Prakash

Adversarial training is an effective defense method to protect classification models against adversarial attacks.

Fashion Editing with Adversarial Parsing Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Haoye Dong, Xiaodan Liang, Yixuan Zhang, Xujie Zhang, Zhenyu Xie, Bowen Wu, Ziqi Zhang, Xiaohui Shen, Jian Yin

Interactive fashion image manipulation, which enables users to edit images with sketches and color strokes, is an interesting research problem with great application value.

Decoder Generative Adversarial Network +2

Hate Speech Detection: A Solved Problem? The Challenging Case of Long Tail on Twitter

1 code implementation27 Feb 2018 Ziqi Zhang, Lei Luo

Our methods are evaluated on the largest collection of hate speech datasets based on Twitter, and are shown to be able to outperform the best performing method by up to 5 percentage points in macro-average F1, or 8 percentage points in the more challenging case of identifying hateful content.

Hate Speech Detection

SemRe-Rank: Improving Automatic Term Extraction By Incorporating Semantic Relatedness With Personalised PageRank

2 code implementations9 Nov 2017 Ziqi Zhang, Jie Gao, Fabio Ciravegna

Extensively evaluated with 13 state-of-the-art base ATE methods on four datasets of diverse nature, it is shown to have achieved widespread improvement over all base methods and across all datasets, with up to 15 percentage points when measured by the Precision in the top ranked K candidate terms (the average for a set of K's), or up to 28 percentage points in F1 measured at a K that equals to the expected real terms in the candidates (F1 in short).

Term Extraction Word Embeddings

JATE 2.0: Java Automatic Term Extraction with Apache Solr

1 code implementation LREC 2016 Ziqi Zhang, Jie Gao, Fabio Ciravegna

Automatic Term Extraction (ATE) or Recognition (ATR) is a fundamental processing step preceding many complex knowledge engineering tasks.

Benchmarking Term Extraction

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