Search Results for author: Ziquan Fang

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Estimator: An Effective and Scalable Framework for Transportation Mode Classification over Trajectories

no code implementations11 Dec 2022 Danlei Hu, Ziquan Fang, Hanxi Fang, Tianyi Li, Chunhui Shen, Lu Chen, Yunjun Gao

Transportation mode classification, the process of predicting the class labels of moving objects transportation modes, has been widely applied to a variety of real world applications, such as traffic management, urban computing, and behavior study.

Classification Management

Self-Guided Learning to Denoise for Robust Recommendation

2 code implementations14 Apr 2022 Yunjun Gao, Yuntao Du, Yujia Hu, Lu Chen, Xinjun Zhu, Ziquan Fang, Baihua Zheng

Besides, our method can automatically switch its learning phase at the memorization point from memorization to self-guided learning, and select clean and informative memorized data via a novel adaptive denoising scheduler to improve the robustness.

Denoising Memorization +2

MetaKG: Meta-learning on Knowledge Graph for Cold-start Recommendation

1 code implementation8 Feb 2022 Yuntao Du, Xinjun Zhu, Lu Chen, Ziquan Fang, Yunjun Gao

Inspired by the success of meta-learning on scarce training samples, we propose a novel meta-learning based framework called MetaKG, which encompasses a collaborative-aware meta learner and a knowledge-aware meta learner, to capture meta users' preference and entities' knowledge for cold-start recommendations.


Deep Spatially and Temporally Aware Similarity Computation for Road Network Constrained Trajectories

1 code implementation17 Dec 2021 Ziquan Fang, Yuntao Du, Xinjun Zhu, Lu Chen, Yunjun Gao, Christian S. Jensen

Trajectory similarity computation has drawn massive attention, as it is core functionality in a wide range of applications such as ride-sharing, traffic analysis, and social recommendation.

Representation Learning

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