Search Results for author: Zixuan Liu

Found 21 papers, 9 papers with code

Textomics: A Dataset for Genomics Data Summary Generation

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Mu-Chun Wang, Zixuan Liu, Sheng Wang

We further illustrate how Textomics can be used to advance other applications, including evaluating scientific paper embeddings and generating masked templates for scientific paper understanding.

Robust Guided Diffusion for Offline Black-Box Optimization

1 code implementation1 Oct 2024 Can Sam Chen, Christopher Beckham, Zixuan Liu, Xue Liu, Christopher Pal

Offline black-box optimization aims to maximize a black-box function using an offline dataset of designs and their measured properties.

Synthetic imagery for fuzzy object detection: A comparative study

no code implementations1 Oct 2024 Siavash H. Khajavi, Mehdi Moshtaghi, Dikai Yu, Zixuan Liu, Kary Främling, Jan Holmström

Our findings illustrates that when synthetic imagery and real imagery is utilized in a mixed training set the resulting ML model outperforms models trained on real imagery as well as models trained on synthetic imagery for detection of a broad spectrum of fires.

Fire Detection object-detection +1

OCTCube-M: A 3D multimodal optical coherence tomography foundation model for retinal and systemic diseases with cross-cohort and cross-device validation

no code implementations20 Aug 2024 Zixuan Liu, Hanwen Xu, Addie Woicik, Linda G. Shapiro, Marian Blazes, Yue Wu, Verena Steffen, Catherine Cukras, Cecilia S. Lee, Miao Zhang, Aaron Y. Lee, Sheng Wang

It then exploits a novel multi-modal contrastive learning framework COEP to integrate other retinal imaging modalities, such as fundus autofluorescence and infrared retinal imaging, into OCTCube, efficiently extending it into multi-modal foundation models.

Contrastive Learning Self-Supervised Learning

ManiFoundation Model for General-Purpose Robotic Manipulation of Contact Synthesis with Arbitrary Objects and Robots

no code implementations11 May 2024 Zhixuan Xu, Chongkai Gao, Zixuan Liu, Gang Yang, Chenrui Tie, Haozhuo Zheng, Haoyu Zhou, Weikun Peng, Debang Wang, Tianrun Hu, Tianyi Chen, Zhouliang Yu, Lin Shao

Our work introduces a comprehensive framework to develop a foundation model for general robotic manipulation that formalizes a manipulation task as contact synthesis.

Diversity Object +1

Enhancing LLM Safety via Constrained Direct Preference Optimization

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Zixuan Liu, Xiaolin Sun, Zizhan Zheng

Empirically, our approach provides a safety guarantee to LLMs that is missing in DPO while achieving significantly higher rewards under the same safety constraint compared to a recently proposed safe RLHF approach.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

T-Rex: Text-assisted Retrosynthesis Prediction

1 code implementation26 Jan 2024 Yifeng Liu, Hanwen Xu, Tangqi Fang, Haocheng Xi, Zixuan Liu, Sheng Zhang, Hoifung Poon, Sheng Wang

As a fundamental task in computational chemistry, retrosynthesis prediction aims to identify a set of reactants to synthesize a target molecule.

Computational chemistry Re-Ranking +1

Revisiting Plasticity in Visual Reinforcement Learning: Data, Modules and Training Stages

1 code implementation11 Oct 2023 Guozheng Ma, Lu Li, Sen Zhang, Zixuan Liu, Zhen Wang, Yixin Chen, Li Shen, Xueqian Wang, DaCheng Tao

Plasticity, the ability of a neural network to evolve with new data, is crucial for high-performance and sample-efficient visual reinforcement learning (VRL).

Data Augmentation reinforcement-learning

Enhancing Cross-Dataset Performance of Distracted Driving Detection With Score Softmax Classifier And Dynamic Gaussian Smoothing Supervision

1 code implementation8 Oct 2023 Cong Duan, Zixuan Liu, Jiahao Xia, Minghai Zhang, Jiacai Liao, Libo Cao

The experiments indicate that the Score-Softmax classifier reduces the interference of background noise, enhancing the robustness of the model.

Transfer Learning

ForeSeer: Product Aspect Forecasting Using Temporal Graph Embedding

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Zixuan Liu, Gaurush Hiranandani, Kun Qian, Eddie W. Huang, Yi Xu, Belinda Zeng, Karthik Subbian, Sheng Wang

ForeSeer transfers reviews from similar products on a large product graph and exploits these reviews to predict aspects that might emerge in future reviews.

Graph Embedding Link Prediction

MMICL: Empowering Vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning

2 code implementations14 Sep 2023 Haozhe Zhao, Zefan Cai, Shuzheng Si, Xiaojian Ma, Kaikai An, Liang Chen, Zixuan Liu, Sheng Wang, Wenjuan Han, Baobao Chang

In this paper, we address the limitation above by 1) introducing vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning(MMICL), a new approach to allow the VLM to deal with multi-modal inputs efficiently; 2) proposing a novel context scheme to augment the in-context learning ability of the VLM; 3) constructing the Multi-modal In-Context Learning (MIC) dataset, designed to enhance the VLM's ability to understand complex multi-modal prompts.

Hallucination In-Context Learning +4

DFWLayer: Differentiable Frank-Wolfe Optimization Layer

1 code implementation21 Aug 2023 Zixuan Liu, Liu Liu, Xueqian Wang, Peilin Zhao

Differentiable optimization has received a significant amount of attention due to its foundational role in the domain of machine learning based on neural networks.

Over-training with Mixup May Hurt Generalization

no code implementations2 Mar 2023 Zixuan Liu, Ziqiao Wang, Hongyu Guo, Yongyi Mao

Mixup, which creates synthetic training instances by linearly interpolating random sample pairs, is a simple and yet effective regularization technique to boost the performance of deep models trained with SGD.

Brain-Aware Replacements for Supervised Contrastive Learning in Detection of Alzheimer's Disease

1 code implementation11 Jul 2022 Mehmet Saygın Seyfioğlu, Zixuan Liu, Pranav Kamath, Sadjyot Gangolli, Sheng Wang, Thomas Grabowski, Linda Shapiro

On top of BAR, we propose using a soft-label-capable supervised contrastive loss, aiming to learn the relative similarity of representations that reflect how mixed are the synthetic MRIs using our soft labels.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation

Going Beyond Saliency Maps: Training Deep Models to Interpret Deep Models

no code implementations16 Feb 2021 Zixuan Liu, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl, Qingyu Zhao

Interpretability is a critical factor in applying complex deep learning models to advance the understanding of brain disorders in neuroimaging studies.

Image-to-Image Translation

Quantum operations with indefinite time direction

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Giulio Chiribella, Zixuan Liu

A fundamental question is whether it is possible to conceive a broader set of operations that probe quantum processes in the backward direction, from the future to the past, or more generally, in a combination of the forward and backward directions.

Quantum Physics Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics

Longitudinal Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations12 Jun 2020 Qingyu Zhao, Zixuan Liu, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl

Machine learning analysis of longitudinal neuroimaging data is typically based on supervised learning, which requires a large number of ground-truth labels to be informative.

Disentanglement Self-Supervised Learning

DAWSON: A Domain Adaptive Few Shot Generation Framework

no code implementations2 Jan 2020 Weixin Liang, Zixuan Liu, Can Liu

Based on DAWSON, We also propose MUSIC MATINEE, which is the first few-shot music generation model.

Meta-Learning Music Generation

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