Search Results for author: Ziyang Song

Found 19 papers, 12 papers with code

P2DFlow: A Protein Ensemble Generative Model with SE(3) Flow Matching

1 code implementation26 Nov 2024 Yaowei Jin, Qi Huang, Ziyang Song, Mingyue Zheng, Dan Teng, Qian Shi

Biological processes, functions, and properties are intricately linked to the ensemble of protein conformations, rather than being solely determined by a single stable conformation.

MixEHR-Nest: Identifying Subphenotypes within Electronic Health Records through Hierarchical Guided-Topic Modeling

1 code implementation17 Oct 2024 Ruohan Wang, Zilong Wang, Ziyang Song, David Buckeridge, Yue Li

Specifically, MixEHR-Nest detects multiple subtopics from each phenotype topic, whose prior is guided by the expert-curated phenotype concepts such as Phenotype Codes (PheCodes) or Clinical Classification Software (CCS) codes.

TrajGPT: Irregular Time-Series Representation Learning for Health Trajectory Analysis

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Ziyang Song, Qingcheng Lu, He Zhu, David Buckeridge, Yue Li

In many domains, such as healthcare, time-series data is often irregularly sampled with varying intervals between observations.

Irregular Time Series Phenotype classification +3

Plane2Depth: Hierarchical Adaptive Plane Guidance for Monocular Depth Estimation

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Li Liu, Ruijie Zhu, Jiacheng Deng, Ziyang Song, Wenfei Yang, Tianzhu Zhang

Specifically, in the proposed plane guided depth generator (PGDG), we design a set of plane queries as prototypes to softly model planes in the scene and predict per-pixel plane coefficients.

Depth Prediction Monocular Depth Estimation

ScaleDepth: Decomposing Metric Depth Estimation into Scale Prediction and Relative Depth Estimation

1 code implementation11 Jul 2024 Ruijie Zhu, Chuxin Wang, Ziyang Song, Li Liu, Tianzhu Zhang, Yongdong Zhang

Our method decomposes metric depth into scene scale and relative depth, and predicts them through a semantic-aware scale prediction (SASP) module and an adaptive relative depth estimation (ARDE) module, respectively.

Monocular Depth Estimation

OSN: Infinite Representations of Dynamic 3D Scenes from Monocular Videos

1 code implementation8 Jul 2024 Ziyang Song, Jinxi Li, Bo Yang

It has long been challenging to recover the underlying dynamic 3D scene representations from a monocular RGB video.

Novel View Synthesis

UNO Arena for Evaluating Sequential Decision-Making Capability of Large Language Models

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Zhanyue Qin, Haochuan Wang, Deyuan Liu, Ziyang Song, Cunhang Fan, Zhao Lv, Jinlin Wu, Zhen Lei, Zhiying Tu, Dianhui Chu, Xiaoyan Yu, Dianbo Sui

In order to answer this question, we propose the UNO Arena based on the card game UNO to evaluate the sequential decision-making capability of LLMs and explain in detail why we choose UNO.

Decision Making Sequential Decision Making

Bidirectional Generative Pre-training for Improving Healthcare Time-series Representation Learning

1 code implementation14 Feb 2024 Ziyang Song, Qincheng Lu, He Zhu, David Buckeridge, Yue Li

Learning time-series representations for discriminative tasks, such as classification and regression, has been a long-standing challenge in the healthcare domain.

Representation Learning Time Series

TIFace: Improving Facial Reconstruction through Tensorial Radiance Fields and Implicit Surfaces

2 code implementations15 Dec 2023 Ruijie Zhu, Jiahao Chang, Ziyang Song, Jiahuan Yu, Tianzhu Zhang

This report describes the solution that secured the first place in the "View Synthesis Challenge for Human Heads (VSCHH)" at the ICCV 2023 workshop.

Face Reconstruction Neural Rendering +1

TimelyGPT: Extrapolatable Transformer Pre-training for Long-term Time-Series Forecasting in Healthcare

no code implementations29 Nov 2023 Ziyang Song, Qincheng Lu, Hao Xu, He Zhu, David L. Buckeridge, Yue Li

However, the development of PTMs on healthcare time-series data is lagging behind. This underscores the limitations of the existing transformer-based architectures, particularly their scalability to handle large-scale time series and ability to capture long-term temporal dependencies.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting +1

ActFormer: A GAN-based Transformer towards General Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Generation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Liang Xu, Ziyang Song, Dongliang Wang, Jing Su, Zhicheng Fang, Chenjing Ding, Weihao Gan, Yichao Yan, Xin Jin, Xiaokang Yang, Wenjun Zeng, Wei Wu

We present a GAN-based Transformer for general action-conditioned 3D human motion generation, including not only single-person actions but also multi-person interactive actions.

Motion Generation

Multi-scale Matching Networks for Semantic Correspondence

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Dongyang Zhao, Ziyang Song, Zhenghao Ji, Gangming Zhao, Weifeng Ge, Yizhou Yu

We follow the coarse-to-fine matching strategy and build a top-down feature and matching enhancement scheme that is coupled with the multi-scale hierarchy of deep convolutional neural networks.

Computational Efficiency Semantic correspondence

Supervised multi-specialist topic model with applications on large-scale electronic health record data

1 code implementation4 May 2021 Ziyang Song, Xavier Sumba Toral, Yixin Xu, Aihua Liu, Liming Guo, Guido Powell, Aman Verma, David Buckeridge, Ariane Marelli, Yue Li

Motivation: Electronic health record (EHR) data provides a new venue to elucidate disease comorbidities and latent phenotypes for precision medicine.

Variational Inference

Learning End-to-End Action Interaction by Paired-Embedding Data Augmentation

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Ziyang Song, Zejian yuan, Chong Zhang, Wanchao Chi, Yonggen Ling, Shenghao Zhang

In recognition-based action interaction, robots' responses to human actions are often pre-designed according to recognized categories and thus stiff.

Action Recognition Data Augmentation +1

Attention-Oriented Action Recognition for Real-Time Human-Robot Interaction

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Ziyang Song, Ziyi Yin, Zejian yuan, Chong Zhang, Wanchao Chi, Yonggen Ling, Shenghao Zhang

Despite the notable progress made in action recognition tasks, not much work has been done in action recognition specifically for human-robot interaction.

Action Recognition Pose Estimation

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