Search Results for author: Ziyang Xie

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Research on Education Big Data for Students Academic Performance Analysis based on Machine Learning

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Chun Wang, Jiexiao Chen, Ziyang Xie, Jianke Zou

The application of the Internet in the field of education is becoming more and more popular, and a large amount of educational data is generated in the process.

Time Series

S-NeRF++: Autonomous Driving Simulation via Neural Reconstruction and Generation

no code implementations3 Feb 2024 Yurui Chen, Junge Zhang, Ziyang Xie, Wenye Li, Feihu Zhang, Jiachen Lu, Li Zhang

Autonomous driving simulation system plays a crucial role in enhancing self-driving data and simulating complex and rare traffic scenarios, ensuring navigation safety.

Autonomous Driving

Frozen Transformers in Language Models Are Effective Visual Encoder Layers

2 code implementations19 Oct 2023 Ziqi Pang, Ziyang Xie, Yunze Man, Yu-Xiong Wang

This paper reveals that large language models (LLMs), despite being trained solely on textual data, are surprisingly strong encoders for purely visual tasks in the absence of language.

Action Recognition Image-text Retrieval +5

MV-Map: Offboard HD-Map Generation with Multi-view Consistency

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Ziyang Xie, Ziqi Pang, Yu-Xiong Wang

To further enhance multi-view consistency, we augment the uncertainty network with the global 3D structure optimized by a voxelized neural radiance field (Voxel-NeRF).

S-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Street Views

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Ziyang Xie, Junge Zhang, Wenye Li, Feihu Zhang, Li Zhang

Specifically, we improve the scene parameterization function and the camera poses for learning better neural representations from street views.

Novel View Synthesis Self-Driving Cars

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