Search Results for author: Ziyou Song

Found 16 papers, 0 papers with code

Data-Driven Quantification of Battery Degradation Modes via Critical Features from Charging

no code implementations13 Dec 2024 Yuanhao Cheng, Hanyu Bai, Yichen Liang, Xiaofan Cui, Weiren Jiang, Ziyou Song

The findings in this paper demonstrate the potential of machine learning for diagnosing battery degradation modes in charging station scenarios.

Integrated Power and Thermal Management for Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Battery Life in Connected and Automated Electric Vehicles

no code implementations8 Nov 2024 Dongjun Li, Qiuhao Hu, Weiran Jiang, Haoxuan Dong, Ziyou Song

Effective power and thermal management are essential for ensuring battery efficiency, safety, and longevity in Connected and Automated Electric Vehicles (CAEVs).

Management Model Predictive Control

Differentially-Private Distributed Model Predictive Control of Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Global Constraints

no code implementations29 May 2024 Kaixiang Zhang, Yongqiang Wang, Ziyou Song, Zhaojian Li

Distributed model predictive control (DMPC) has attracted extensive attention as it can explicitly handle system constraints and achieve optimal control in a decentralized manner.

Distributed Optimization Model Predictive Control

Safe Reinforcement Learning-Based Eco-Driving Control for Mixed Traffic Flows With Disturbances

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Ke Lu, Dongjun Li, Qun Wang, Kaidi Yang, Lin Zhao, Ziyou Song

This paper presents a safe learning-based eco-driving framework tailored for mixed traffic flows, which aims to optimize energy efficiency while guaranteeing safety during real-system operations.

Reinforcement Learning (RL) Safe Reinforcement Learning

Bias-Compensated State of Charge and State of Health Joint Estimation for Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Baozhao Yi, Xinhao Du, Jiawei Zhang, Xiaogang Wu, Qiuhao Hu, Weiran Jiang, Xiaosong Hu, Ziyou Song

Besides, the voltage measurement biases estimated in the low-slope SOC regions are compensated in the following joint estimation of SOC and SOH to enhance the state estimation accuracy further.

Driving behavior-guided battery health monitoring for electric vehicles using machine learning

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Nanhua Jiang, Jiawei Zhang, Weiran Jiang, Yao Ren, Jing Lin, Edwin Khoo, Ziyou Song

To address these issues, we proposed a feature-based machine learning pipeline for reliable battery health monitoring, enabled by evaluating the acquisition probability of features under real-world driving conditions.

Challenges and Opportunities for Second-life Batteries: A Review of Key Technologies and Economy

no code implementations13 Aug 2023 Xubo Gu, Hanyu Bai, Xiaofan Cui, Juner Zhu, Weichao Zhuang, Zhaojian Li, Xiaosong Hu, Ziyou Song

Due to the increasing volume of Electric Vehicles in automotive markets and the limited lifetime of onboard lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), the large-scale retirement of LIBs is imminent.

Explainable Models

Optimal battery thermal management for electric vehicles with battery degradation minimization

no code implementations6 Aug 2023 Yue Wu, Zhiwu Huang, Dongjun Li, Heng Li, Jun Peng, Daniel Stroe, Ziyou Song

A control-oriented onboard BTMS model is proposed and verified under different speed profiles and temperatures.


Overtaking-enabled Eco-approach Control at Signalized Intersections for Connected and Automated Vehicles

no code implementations16 Jun 2023 Haoxuan Dong, Weichao Zhuang, Guoyuan Wu, Zhaojian Li, Guodong Yin, Ziyou Song

To potentially mitigate the negative effect of preceding vehicles on eco-driving control at the signalized intersection, this paper proposes an overtakingenabled eco-approach control (OEAC) strategy.

Extended Neighboring Extremal Optimal Control with State and Preview Perturbations

no code implementations7 Jun 2023 Amin Vahidi-Moghaddam, Kaixiang Zhang, Zhaojian Li, Xunyuan Yin, Ziyou Song, Yan Wang

In this work, an extended NE (ENE) framework is developed to systematically adapt the nominal control to both state and preview perturbations.

Model Predictive Control

Physics-Augmented Data-EnablEd Predictive Control for Eco-driving of Mixed Traffic Considering Diverse Human Behaviors

no code implementations2 Jun 2023 Dongjun Li, Kaixiang Zhang, Haoxuan Dong, Qun Wang, Zhaojian Li, Ziyou Song

In this paper, we employ a data-enabled predictive control (DeePC) scheme to address the eco-driving of mixed traffic flows with diverse behaviors of human drivers.

Adaptive Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic Considering Human Behavioral Diversity

no code implementations5 Oct 2022 Qun Wang, Haoxuan Dong, Fei Ju, Weichao Zhuang, Chen Lv, Liangmo Wang, Ziyou Song

A comprehensive simulation is conducted to statistically verify the positive impacts of CAV on the holistic energy efficiency of the mixed traffic flow with uncertain and diverse human driving behaviors.


Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Constraint Handling

no code implementations26 Sep 2022 Kaixiang Zhang, Kaian Chen, Xinfan Lin, Yusheng Zheng, Xunyun Yin, Xiaosong Hu, Ziyou Song, Zhaojian Li

Fast charging of lithium-ion batteries has gained extensive research interests, but most of existing methods are either based on simple rule-based charging profiles or require explicit battery models that are non-trivial to identify accurately.

Eco-Coasting Strategies Using Road Grade Preview: Evaluation and Online Implementation Based on Mixed Integer Model Predictive Control

no code implementations14 Nov 2021 Yongjun Yan, Nan Li, Jinlong Hong, Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen, Jing Sun, Ziyou Song

However, the comprehensive comparison between different coasting strategies and online performance of the eco-coasting strategy using road grade preview are still unclear because of the oversimplification and the integer variable in the optimal control problems.

Model Predictive Control

Simultaneous Suspension Control and Energy Harvesting through Novel Design and Control of a New Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Shock Absorber

no code implementations19 Jun 2021 Mohammad R. Hajidavalloo, Joel Cosner, Zhaojian Li, Wei-Che Tai, Ziyou Song

In this paper, we propose a new EHSA design -- inerter pendulum vibration absorber (IPVA) -- that integrates an electromagnetic rotary EHSA with a nonlinear pendulum vibration absorber.

Model Predictive Control

Robust State of Health Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest

no code implementations20 Oct 2020 Niankai Yang, Ziyou Song, Heath Hofmann, Jing Sun

The challenge lies in the fact that partial discharge truncates the data available for SOH estimation, thereby leading to the loss or distortion of common SOH indicators.

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