Search Results for author: Ziyu Jiang

Found 15 papers, 10 papers with code

Convergence and Generalization of Wide Neural Networks with Large Bias

no code implementations1 Jan 2023 Hongru Yang, Ziyu Jiang, Ruizhe Zhang, Zhangyang Wang, Yingbin Liang

This work studies training one-hidden-layer overparameterized ReLU networks via gradient descent in the neural tangent kernel (NTK) regime, where the networks' biases are initialized to some constant rather than zero.

M$^3$ViT: Mixture-of-Experts Vision Transformer for Efficient Multi-task Learning with Model-Accelerator Co-design

1 code implementation26 Oct 2022 Hanxue Liang, Zhiwen Fan, Rishov Sarkar, Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Kai Zou, Yu Cheng, Cong Hao, Zhangyang Wang

However, when deploying MTL onto those real-world systems that are often resource-constrained or latency-sensitive, two prominent challenges arise: (i) during training, simultaneously optimizing all tasks is often difficult due to gradient conflicts across tasks; (ii) at inference, current MTL regimes have to activate nearly the entire model even to just execute a single task.

Multi-Task Learning

Improving Contrastive Learning on Imbalanced Seed Data via Open-World Sampling

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Ting Chen, Zhangyang Wang

Contrastive learning approaches have achieved great success in learning visual representations with few labels of the target classes.

Attribute Contrastive Learning +1

Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation6 Jun 2021 Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Bobak Mortazavi, Zhangyang Wang

Hence, the key innovation in SDCLR is to create a dynamic self-competitor model to contrast with the target model, which is a pruned version of the latter.

Contrastive Learning Linear evaluation +2

Improving Contrastive Learning on Imbalanced Data via Open-World Sampling

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Ting Chen, Zhangyang Wang

Contrastive learning approaches have achieved great success in learning visual representations with few labels of the target classes.

Attribute Contrastive Learning +1

Robust Pre-Training by Adversarial Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Ting Chen, Zhangyang Wang

Recent work has shown that, when integrated with adversarial training, self-supervised pre-training can lead to state-of-the-art robustness In this work, we improve robustness-aware self-supervised pre-training by learning representations that are consistent under both data augmentations and adversarial perturbations.

Adversarial Robustness Contrastive Learning

Peek-a-Boo: Occlusion Reasoning in Indoor Scenes With Plane Representations

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Ziyu Jiang, Buyu Liu, Samuel Schulter, Zhangyang Wang, Manmohan Chandraker

It consists of a two-branch category-specific module that aims to predict layout and objects of the scene separately so that different types of planes can be handled better.

Scene Understanding

E2-Train: Training State-of-the-art CNNs with Over 80% Energy Savings

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Yue Wang, Ziyu Jiang, Xiaohan Chen, Pengfei Xu, Yang Zhao, Yingyan Lin, Zhangyang Wang

Extensive simulations and ablation studies, with real energy measurements from an FPGA board, confirm the superiority of our proposed strategies and demonstrate remarkable energy savings for training.

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