Search Results for author: Ziyue Qiao

Found 24 papers, 7 papers with code

Cluster-guided Contrastive Class-imbalanced Graph Classification

no code implementations17 Dec 2024 Wei Ju, Zhengyang Mao, Siyu Yi, Yifang Qin, Yiyang Gu, Zhiping Xiao, Jianhao Shen, Ziyue Qiao, Ming Zhang

This paper studies the problem of class-imbalanced graph classification, which aims at effectively classifying the graph categories in scenarios with imbalanced class distributions.

Contrastive Learning Graph Classification

Single-View Graph Contrastive Learning with Soft Neighborhood Awareness

1 code implementation12 Dec 2024 Qingqiang Sun, Chaoqi Chen, Ziyue Qiao, Xubin Zheng, Kai Wang

Most graph contrastive learning (GCL) methods heavily rely on cross-view contrast, thus facing several concomitant challenges, such as the complexity of designing effective augmentations, the potential for information loss between views, and increased computational costs.

Contrastive Learning Semantic Similarity +2

PRAGA: Prototype-aware Graph Adaptive Aggregation for Spatial Multi-modal Omics Analysis

1 code implementation19 Sep 2024 Xinlei Huang, Zhiqi Ma, Dian Meng, Yanran Liu, Shiwei Ruan, Qingqiang Sun, Xubin Zheng, Ziyue Qiao

However, the fixed KNN graph fails to capture the latent semantic relations hidden by the inevitable data perturbations during the biological sequencing process, resulting in the loss of semantic information.

Contrastive Learning

Enhancing Tabular Data Optimization with a Flexible Graph-based Reinforced Exploration Strategy

no code implementations11 Jun 2024 Xiaohan Huang, Dongjie Wang, Zhiyuan Ning, Ziyue Qiao, Qingqing Long, Haowei Zhu, Min Wu, Yuanchun Zhou, Meng Xiao

Tabular data optimization methods aim to automatically find an optimal feature transformation process that generates high-value features and improves the performance of downstream machine learning tasks.

Decision Making Feature Engineering

Holistic Memory Diversification for Incremental Learning in Growing Graphs

no code implementations11 Jun 2024 Ziyue Qiao, Junren Xiao, Qingqiang Sun, Meng Xiao, Hui Xiong

To address that, we introduce a novel holistic Diversified Memory Selection and Generation (DMSG) framework for incremental learning in graphs, which first introduces a buffer selection strategy that considers both intra-class and inter-class diversities, employing an efficient greedy algorithm for sampling representative training nodes from graphs into memory buffers after learning each new task.

Incremental Learning Node Classification

GPS: Graph Contrastive Learning via Multi-scale Augmented Views from Adversarial Pooling

no code implementations29 Jan 2024 Wei Ju, Yiyang Gu, Zhengyang Mao, Ziyue Qiao, Yifang Qin, Xiao Luo, Hui Xiong, Ming Zhang

Self-supervised graph representation learning has recently shown considerable promise in a range of fields, including bioinformatics and social networks.

Adversarial Robustness Contrastive Learning +3

Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation in Graph Transfer Learning

no code implementations19 Sep 2023 Ziyue Qiao, Xiao Luo, Meng Xiao, Hao Dong, Yuanchun Zhou, Hui Xiong

To deal with the domain shift, we add adaptive shift parameters to each of the source nodes, which are trained in an adversarial manner to align the cross-domain distributions of node embedding, thus the node classifier trained on labeled source nodes can be transferred to the target nodes.

GRAPH DOMAIN ADAPTATION Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation +2

Adaptive Path-Memory Network for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning

1 code implementation25 Apr 2023 Hao Dong, Zhiyuan Ning, Pengyang Wang, Ziyue Qiao, Pengfei Wang, Yuanchun Zhou, Yanjie Fu

Temporal knowledge graph (TKG) reasoning aims to predict the future missing facts based on historical information and has gained increasing research interest recently.

A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Graph Representation Learning

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Wei Ju, Zheng Fang, Yiyang Gu, Zequn Liu, Qingqing Long, Ziyue Qiao, Yifang Qin, Jianhao Shen, Fang Sun, Zhiping Xiao, Junwei Yang, Jingyang Yuan, Yusheng Zhao, Yifan Wang, Xiao Luo, Ming Zhang

Graph representation learning aims to effectively encode high-dimensional sparse graph-structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has been widely studied in a range of fields, including machine learning and data mining.

Graph Embedding Graph Neural Network +2

Traceable Automatic Feature Transformation via Cascading Actor-Critic Agents

1 code implementation27 Dec 2022 Meng Xiao, Dongjie Wang, Min Wu, Ziyue Qiao, Pengfei Wang, Kunpeng Liu, Yuanchun Zhou, Yanjie Fu

Feature transformation for AI is an essential task to boost the effectiveness and interpretability of machine learning (ML).

feature selection

Kernel-based Substructure Exploration for Next POI Recommendation

1 code implementation8 Oct 2022 Wei Ju, Yifang Qin, Ziyue Qiao, Xiao Luo, Yifan Wang, Yanjie Fu, Ming Zhang

To tackle the above issues, we propose a Kernel-Based Graph Neural Network (KBGNN) for next POI recommendation, which combines the characteristics of both geographical and sequential influences in a collaborative way.

Graph Neural Network

Graph Soft-Contrastive Learning via Neighborhood Ranking

no code implementations28 Sep 2022 Zhiyuan Ning, Pengfei Wang, Pengyang Wang, Ziyue Qiao, Wei Fan, Denghui Zhang, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou

Moreover, as the neighborhood size exponentially expands with more hops considered, we propose neighborhood sampling strategies to improve learning efficiency.

Contrastive Learning Self-Supervised Learning

Hierarchical Interdisciplinary Topic Detection Model for Research Proposal Classification

no code implementations16 Sep 2022 Meng Xiao, Ziyue Qiao, Yanjie Fu, Hao Dong, Yi Du, Pengyang Wang, Hui Xiong, Yuanchun Zhou

Specifically, we first propose a hierarchical transformer to extract the textual semantic information of proposals.


Who Should Review Your Proposal? Interdisciplinary Topic Path Detection for Research Proposals

no code implementations7 Mar 2022 Meng Xiao, Ziyue Qiao, Yanjie Fu, Hao Dong, Yi Du, Pengyang Wang, Dong Li, Yuanchun Zhou

After extracting the semantic and interdisciplinary knowledge, we design a level-wise prediction component to fuse the two types of knowledge representations and detect interdisciplinary topic paths for each proposal.

Data Augmentation for Graph Convolutional Network on Semi-Supervised Classification

no code implementations16 Jun 2021 Zhengzheng Tang, Ziyue Qiao, Xuehai Hong, Yang Wang, Fayaz Ali Dharejo, Yuanchun Zhou, Yi Du

However, data augmentation for graph-based models remains a challenging problem, as graph data is more complex than traditional data, which consists of two features with different properties: graph topology and node attributes.

Classification Data Augmentation +1

LightCAKE: A Lightweight Framework for Context-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding

no code implementations22 Feb 2021 Zhiyuan Ning, Ziyue Qiao, Hao Dong, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou

Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models learn to project symbolic entities and relations into a continuous vector space based on the observed triplets.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs

Context-Enhanced Entity and Relation Embedding for Knowledge Graph Completion

no code implementations13 Dec 2020 Ziyue Qiao, Zhiyuan Ning, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou

Most researches for knowledge graph completion learn representations of entities and relations to predict missing links in incomplete knowledge graphs.


Tree Structure-Aware Graph Representation Learning via Integrated Hierarchical Aggregation and Relational Metric Learning

no code implementations23 Aug 2020 Ziyue Qiao, Pengyang Wang, Yanjie Fu, Yi Du, Pengfei Wang, Yuanchun Zhou

The integrated hierarchical aggregation module aims to preserve the tree structure by combining GNN with Gated Recurrent Unit to integrate the hierarchical and sequential neighborhood information on the tree structure to node representations.

Graph Neural Network Graph Representation Learning +1

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