Search Results for author: Zoe Liu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Benchmarking Conventional and Learned Video Codecs with a Low-Delay Configuration

no code implementations9 Aug 2024 Siyue Teng, YuXuan Jiang, Ge Gao, Fan Zhang, Thomas Davis, Zoe Liu, David Bull

Recent advances in video compression have seen significant coding performance improvements with the development of new standards and learning-based video codecs.

Benchmarking Video Compression

Texture Segmentation Based Video Compression Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations8 Feb 2018 Chichen Fu, Di Chen, Edward J. Delp, Zoe Liu, Fengqing Zhu

There has been a growing interest in using different approaches to improve the coding efficiency of modern video codec in recent years as demand for web-based video consumption increases.

Texture Classification Video Compression

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