Search Results for author: Zongliang Zhang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Geometric Multi-Model Fitting by Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations22 Sep 2018 Zongliang Zhang, Hongbin Zeng, Jonathan Li, Yiping Chen, Chenhui Yang, Cheng Wang

This paper deals with the geometric multi-model fitting from noisy, unstructured point set data (e. g., laser scanned point clouds).

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

Partial Procedural Geometric Model Fitting for Point Clouds

1 code implementation17 Oct 2016 Zongliang Zhang, Jonathan Li, Yulan Guo, Yangbin Lin, Ming Cheng, Cheng Wang

However, most geometric model fitting methods are unable to fit an arbitrary geometric model (e. g. a surface with holes) to incomplete data, due to that the similarity metrics used in these methods are unable to measure the rigid partial similarity between arbitrary models.


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