Search Results for author: Zongqi Wan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Boosting Gradient Ascent for Continuous DR-submodular Maximization

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Qixin Zhang, Zongqi Wan, Zengde Deng, Zaiyi Chen, Xiaoming Sun, Jialin Zhang, Yu Yang

The fundamental idea of our boosting technique is to exploit non-oblivious search to derive a novel auxiliary function $F$, whose stationary points are excellent approximations to the global maximum of the original DR-submodular objective $f$.

Bandit Multi-linear DR-Submodular Maximization and Its Applications on Adversarial Submodular Bandits

no code implementations21 May 2023 Zongqi Wan, Jialin Zhang, Wei Chen, Xiaoming Sun, Zhijie Zhang

Then we reduce submodular bandit with partition matroid constraint and bandit sequential monotone maximization to the online bandit learning of the monotone multi-linear DR-submodular functions, attaining $O(T^{2/3}\log T)$ of $(1-1/e)$-regret in both problems, which improve the existing results.

Quantum Multi-Armed Bandits and Stochastic Linear Bandits Enjoy Logarithmic Regrets

no code implementations30 May 2022 Zongqi Wan, Zhijie Zhang, Tongyang Li, Jialin Zhang, Xiaoming Sun

In this paper, we study MAB and SLB with quantum reward oracles and propose quantum algorithms for both models with $O(\mbox{poly}(\log T))$ regrets, exponentially improving the dependence in terms of $T$.

Multi-Armed Bandits reinforcement-learning +2

Bounded Memory Adversarial Bandits with Composite Anonymous Delayed Feedback

no code implementations27 Apr 2022 Zongqi Wan, Xiaoming Sun, Jialin Zhang

Our lower bound works even when the loss sequence is oblivious but the delay is non-oblivious.

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