Search Results for author: Zongren Zou

Found 16 papers, 3 papers with code

Quantification of total uncertainty in the physics-informed reconstruction of CVSim-6 physiology

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Mario De Florio, Zongren Zou, Daniele E. Schiavazzi, George Em Karniadakis

With a specific focus on biological and physiological models, this study investigates the decomposition of total uncertainty in the estimation of states and parameters of a differential system simulated with MC X-TFC, a new physics-informed approach for uncertainty quantification based on random projections and Monte-Carlo sampling.

Uncertainty Quantification

NeuroSEM: A hybrid framework for simulating multiphysics problems by coupling PINNs and spectral elements

no code implementations30 Jul 2024 Khemraj Shukla, Zongren Zou, Chi Hin Chan, Additi Pandey, Zhicheng Wang, George Em Karniadakis

The framework effectively handles data assimilation by addressing those subdomains and state variables where data are available.

Large scale scattering using fast solvers based on neural operators

no code implementations20 May 2024 Zongren Zou, Adar Kahana, Enrui Zhang, Eli Turkel, Rishikesh Ranade, Jay Pathak, George Em Karniadakis

We extend a recently proposed machine-learning-based iterative solver, i. e. the hybrid iterative transferable solver (HINTS), to solve the scattering problem described by the Helmholtz equation in an exterior domain with a complex absorbing boundary condition.

Leveraging viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs for uncertainty quantification in scientific machine learning

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Zongren Zou, Tingwei Meng, Paula Chen, Jérôme Darbon, George Em Karniadakis

We provide several examples from SciML involving noisy data and \textit{epistemic uncertainty} to illustrate the potential advantages of our approach.

Bayesian Inference Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty quantification for noisy inputs-outputs in physics-informed neural networks and neural operators

no code implementations19 Nov 2023 Zongren Zou, Xuhui Meng, George Em Karniadakis

As a result, UQ for noisy inputs becomes a crucial factor for reliable and trustworthy deployment of these models in applications involving physical knowledge.

Uncertainty Quantification

Leveraging Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs with time-dependent Hamiltonians for continual scientific machine learning

no code implementations13 Nov 2023 Paula Chen, Tingwei Meng, Zongren Zou, Jérôme Darbon, George Em Karniadakis

This connection allows us to reinterpret incremental updates to learned models as the evolution of an associated HJ PDE and optimal control problem in time, where all of the previous information is intrinsically encoded in the solution to the HJ PDE.

Computational Efficiency Continual Learning

Correcting model misspecification in physics-informed neural networks (PINNs)

no code implementations16 Oct 2023 Zongren Zou, Xuhui Meng, George Em Karniadakis

Despite the effectiveness of PINNs for discovering governing equations, the physical models encoded in PINNs may be misspecified in complex systems as some of the physical processes may not be fully understood, leading to the poor accuracy of PINN predictions.

Discovering a reaction-diffusion model for Alzheimer's disease by combining PINNs with symbolic regression

no code implementations16 Jul 2023 Zhen Zhang, Zongren Zou, Ellen Kuhl, George Em Karniadakis

Specifically, we integrate physics informed neural networks (PINNs) and symbolic regression to discover a reaction-diffusion type partial differential equation for tau protein misfolding and spreading.

regression Symbolic Regression

Leveraging Multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs for Certain Scientific Machine Learning Problems

1 code implementation22 Mar 2023 Paula Chen, Tingwei Meng, Zongren Zou, Jérôme Darbon, George Em Karniadakis

Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations (HJ PDEs) have deep connections with a wide range of fields, including optimal control, differential games, and imaging sciences.

Continual Learning Transfer Learning

L-HYDRA: Multi-Head Physics-Informed Neural Networks

no code implementations5 Jan 2023 Zongren Zou, George Em Karniadakis

We introduce multi-head neural networks (MH-NNs) to physics-informed machine learning, which is a type of neural networks (NNs) with all nonlinear hidden layers as the body and multiple linear output layers as multi-head.

Few-Shot Learning Multi-Task Learning +2

NeuralUQ: A comprehensive library for uncertainty quantification in neural differential equations and operators

1 code implementation25 Aug 2022 Zongren Zou, Xuhui Meng, Apostolos F Psaros, George Em Karniadakis

In this paper, we present an open-source Python library (https://github. com/Crunch-UQ4MI), termed NeuralUQ and accompanied by an educational tutorial, for employing UQ methods for SciML in a convenient and structured manner.

Uncertainty Quantification

Bayesian Physics-Informed Neural Networks for real-world nonlinear dynamical systems

no code implementations12 May 2022 Kevin Linka, Amelie Schafer, Xuhui Meng, Zongren Zou, George Em Karniadakis, Ellen Kuhl

Our study reveals the inherent advantages and disadvantages of Neural Networks, Bayesian Inference, and a combination of both and provides valuable guidelines for model selection.

Bayesian Inference Model Selection +1

Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Machine Learning: Methods, Metrics, and Comparisons

1 code implementation19 Jan 2022 Apostolos F Psaros, Xuhui Meng, Zongren Zou, Ling Guo, George Em Karniadakis

Neural networks (NNs) are currently changing the computational paradigm on how to combine data with mathematical laws in physics and engineering in a profound way, tackling challenging inverse and ill-posed problems not solvable with traditional methods.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification

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