Search Results for author: Zongsheng Wang

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

A Reconfigurable Convolution-in-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Architecture

no code implementations9 Jan 2021 Ruibing Song, Kejie Huang, Zongsheng Wang, Haibin Shen

The separation of the data capture and analysis in modern vision systems has led to a massive amount of data transfer between the end devices and cloud computers, resulting in long latency, slow response, and high power consumption.

Guiding Variational Response Generator to Exploit Persona

no code implementations ACL 2020 Bowen Wu, Mengyuan Li, Zongsheng Wang, Yifu Chen, Derek Wong, Qihang Feng, Junhong Huang, Baoxun Wang

Leveraging persona information of users in Neural Response Generators (NRG) to perform personalized conversations has been considered as an attractive and important topic in the research of conversational agents over the past few years.

Response Generation

Improving the Robustness of Deep Reading Comprehension Models by Leveraging Syntax Prior

no code implementations WS 2019 Bowen Wu, Haoyang Huang, Zongsheng Wang, Qihang Feng, Jingsong Yu, Baoxun Wang

Despite the remarkable progress on Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) with the help of open-source datasets, recent studies indicate that most of the current MRC systems unfortunately suffer from weak robustness against adversarial samples.

Machine Reading Comprehension Sentence

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