Hate speech detection is a challenging problem with most of the datasets available in only one language: English.
We train a multi-class classifier to distinguish between these different categories.
The increased expansion of abusive content on social media platforms negatively affects online users.
We expand on this line of research by introducing Filipino CrowS-Pairs and Filipino WinoQueer: benchmarks that assess both sexist and anti-queer biases in pretrained language models (PLMs) handling texts in Filipino, a low-resource language from the Philippines.
Work on bias in pretrained language models (PLMs) focuses on bias evaluation and mitigation and fails to tackle the question of bias attribution and explainability.
This working-notes are about the participation of the UMUTeam in a LT-EDI shared task concerning the identification of homophobic and transphobic comments in YouTube.
Our study addresses a significant gap in online hate speech detection research by focusing on homophobia, an area often neglected in sentiment analysis research.