3D Object Detection

719 papers with code • 64 benchmarks • 61 datasets

3D Object Detection is a task in computer vision where the goal is to identify and locate objects in a 3D environment based on their shape, location, and orientation. It involves detecting the presence of objects and determining their location in the 3D space in real-time. This task is crucial for applications such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and augmented reality.

( Image credit: AVOD )


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Most implemented papers

YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger

AlexeyAB/darknet CVPR 2017

On the 156 classes not in COCO, YOLO9000 gets 16. 0 mAP.

Objects as Points

xingyizhou/CenterNet 16 Apr 2019

We model an object as a single point --- the center point of its bounding box.

Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data

charlesq34/frustum-pointnets CVPR 2018

In this work, we study 3D object detection from RGB-D data in both indoor and outdoor scenes.

VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection

qianguih/voxelnet CVPR 2018

Accurate detection of objects in 3D point clouds is a central problem in many applications, such as autonomous navigation, housekeeping robots, and augmented/virtual reality.

PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds

nutonomy/second.pytorch CVPR 2019

These benchmarks suggest that PointPillars is an appropriate encoding for object detection in point clouds.

nuScenes: A multimodal dataset for autonomous driving

nutonomy/nuscenes-devkit CVPR 2020

Most autonomous vehicles, however, carry a combination of cameras and range sensors such as lidar and radar.

PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud

sshaoshuai/PointRCNN CVPR 2019

In this paper, we propose PointRCNN for 3D object detection from raw point cloud.

Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

facebookresearch/votenet ICCV 2019

Current 3D object detection methods are heavily influenced by 2D detectors.

PV-RCNN: Point-Voxel Feature Set Abstraction for 3D Object Detection

open-mmlab/OpenPCDet CVPR 2020

We present a novel and high-performance 3D object detection framework, named PointVoxel-RCNN (PV-RCNN), for accurate 3D object detection from point clouds.

Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking

tianweiy/CenterPoint CVPR 2021

Three-dimensional objects are commonly represented as 3D boxes in a point-cloud.