3D Shape Representation

38 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Image: MeshNet

Latest papers with no code

Multiplicative Fourier Level of Detail

no code yet • CVPR 2023

We develop a simple yet surprisingly effective implicit representing scheme called Multiplicative Fourier Level of Detail (MFLOD) motivated by the recent success of multiplicative filter network.

LP-DIF: Learning Local Pattern-Specific Deep Implicit Function for 3D Objects and Scenes

no code yet • CVPR 2023

To capture geometry details, current mainstream methods divide 3D shapes into local regions and then learn each one with a local latent code via a decoder, where the decoder shares the geometric similarities among different local regions.

DMNet: Delaunay Meshing Network for 3D Shape Representation

no code yet • ICCV 2023

We model the Delaunay triangulation as a dual graph, extract local geometric information from the points, and embed it into the structural representation of Delaunay triangulation in an organic way, benefiting fine-grained details reconstruction.

Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited

no code yet • 14 Oct 2022

The proposed approach in this paper exploits the benefit of uncertainty modeling in a deep neural network for a reliable fusion of photometric stereo (PS) and multi-view stereo (MVS) network predictions.

OmniNeRF: Hybriding Omnidirectional Distance and Radiance fields for Neural Surface Reconstruction

no code yet • 27 Sep 2022

3D reconstruction from images has wide applications in Virtual Reality and Automatic Driving, where the precision requirement is very high.

NeuralODF: Learning Omnidirectional Distance Fields for 3D Shape Representation

no code yet • 12 Jun 2022

We propose Omnidirectional Distance Fields (ODFs), a new 3D shape representation that encodes geometry by storing the depth to the object's surface from any 3D position in any viewing direction.

Planes vs. Chairs: Category-guided 3D shape learning without any 3D cues

no code yet • 21 Apr 2022

We present a novel 3D shape reconstruction method which learns to predict an implicit 3D shape representation from a single RGB image.

CoordX: Accelerating Implicit Neural Representation with a Split MLP Architecture

no code yet • ICLR 2022

In this work, we aim to accelerate inference and training of coordinate-based MLPs for implicit neural representations by proposing a new split MLP architecture, CoordX.

Taylor3DNet: Fast 3D Shape Inference With Landmark Points Based Taylor Series

no code yet • 18 Jan 2022

Taylor3DNet exploits a set of discrete landmark points and their corresponding Taylor series coefficients to represent the implicit field of a 3D shape, and the number of landmark points is independent of the resolution of the iso-surface extraction.

Cloud Sphere: A 3D Shape Representation via Progressive Deformation

no code yet • 21 Dec 2021

In the area of 3D shape analysis, the geometric properties of a shape have long been studied.