3D Shape Retrieval
18 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets
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Most implemented papers
Convolutional Neural Networks on non-uniform geometrical signals using Euclidean spectral transformation
It has been challenging to analyze signals with mixed topologies (for example, point cloud with surface mesh).
MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition
MVTN exhibits clear performance gains in the tasks of 3D shape classification and 3D shape retrieval without the need for extra training supervision.
Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Correspondence Criterion: Applications to Face Matching, Learning from Unlabeled Videos and 3D-Shape Retrieval
Current best local descriptors are learned on a large dataset of matching and non-matching keypoint pairs.
Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval
Most existing 3D object recognition algorithms focus on leveraging the strong discriminative power of deep learning models with softmax loss for the classification of 3D data, while learning discriminative features with deep metric learning for 3D object retrieval is more or less neglected.
Deep Learning for Hand Gesture Recognition on Skeletal Data
In this paper, we introduce a new 3D hand gesture recognition approach based on a deep learning model.
Equivariant Multi-View Networks
Several popular approaches to 3D vision tasks process multiple views of the input independently with deep neural networks pre-trained on natural images, achieving view permutation invariance through a single round of pooling over all views.
A Topological Nomenclature for 3D Shape Analysis in Connectomics
Next, we develop nomenclature rules for pyramidal neurons and mitochondria from the reduced graph and finally learn the feature embedding for shape manipulation.
Unsupervised Deep Shape Descriptor With Point Distribution Learning
This paper proposes a novel probabilistic framework for the learning of unsupervised deep shape descriptors with point distribution learning.
RISA-Net: Rotation-Invariant Structure-Aware Network for Fine-Grained 3D Shape Retrieval
Fine-grained 3D shape retrieval aims to retrieve 3D shapes similar to a query shape in a repository with models belonging to the same class, which requires shape descriptors to be capable of representing detailed geometric information to discriminate shapes with globally similar structures.
Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning
Inspired by the great success in recent contrastive learning works on self-supervised representation learning, we propose a novel IBSR pipeline leveraging contrastive learning.