3D Surface Generation

4 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Image: AtlasNet

Most implemented papers

AtlasNet: A Papier-Mâché Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation

ThibaultGROUEIX/AtlasNet 15 Feb 2018

We introduce a method for learning to generate the surface of 3D shapes.

3D-CODED : 3D Correspondences by Deep Deformation

ThibaultGROUEIX/3D-CODED 13 Jun 2018

By predicting this feature for a new shape, we implicitly predict correspondences between this shape and the template.

GAMesh: Guided and Augmented Meshing for Deep Point Networks

nitinagarwal/GAMesh 19 Oct 2020

We present a new meshing algorithm called guided and augmented meshing, GAMesh, which uses a mesh prior to generate a surface for the output points of a point network.

Vis2Mesh: Efficient Mesh Reconstruction from Unstructured Point Clouds of Large Scenes with Learned Virtual View Visibility

gdaosu/vis2mesh ICCV 2021

Then the visibility information of multiple views is aggregated to generate a 3D mesh model by solving an optimization problem considering visibility in which a novel adaptive visibility weighting in surface determination is also introduced to suppress line of sight with a large incident angle.